Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Meaning of Christmas

I know it's been a while since my last blog post, but I felt compelled to post today while I had a few minutes. As it is Christmas Eve and I am the parent of a 5 and almost 3 year old and their insatiable hunger for destroying wrapping paper and discovering its contents- I have found myself constantly asking my kids, "Why do we celebrate Christmas?" Now granted they are the children of a pastor and probably feel obligated to give this answer, but I am happy to report their answer is almost always, "Jesus' birth." Even though the presents and the excitement they bring gets a lot of attention, it's still important to get back to the core of what we are to be focused on.

Last night we had an amazing worship experience at our church. Our creative department did an AMAZING job of programming a night that would be memorable and enjoyable for the whole family! Almost 3,000 people filled the seats in three different services and we had TONS of volunteers giving of their time and energy to make it all happen. Our people serve God with excellence in everything they do and our Christmas Eve Eve is one of the reasons that I love Christmas and why I love my church.

But there's another reason I love my church even more. Now please do not give me any credit for this or think I am bragging - I just want to share something at the heart of these people I call my church family. Several times this season I was approached by individuals, families, and small groups that wanted to buy presents for families in need and help make their Christmas a little brighter. Some purchased and wrapped gifts, while others gave generous amounts of money to purchase the gifts as needed. Very sweet, right?! But you know what's really interesting about all that? They all wanted to be anonymous. None of them wanted it to be known who bought them, or who wrapped them. They just wanted to love God by loving other people. Because of that humility and selflessness, I had the privilege of delivering those presents to several families. These givers - these generous folks didn't get to see the eyes of mothers well up in tears because their kids were going to have a nice Christmas this year. They didn't get to hear the joyful sounds of children giggling and laughing at the idea that presents were going to be under their tree this Christmas.

I didn't deserve the opportunity to do that. It shouldn't have been me delivering those gifts. I didn't buy them. I only even wrapped a few. It cost me nothing but I still got the blessing. But isn't that what Christmas is truly about? Jesus Christ stepped down from His royal throne to go through the 9 month birthing process to be born in a barn of some kind. He lived a difficult life so that He could sympathize and empathize with every hurt and need we could have. He died a criminals death, even though He was sinless, so that I may have life. I get the credit for His labor. I benefit from His actions.

So I will always enjoy and be encouraged by the 'big experiences' when thousands get together to exalt the King of Kings, but I will always be moved by the day to day sacrifices of a few that show me Christ's love in how they live their lives. Merry Christmas!