Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Meetin' Time

Almost always in the 'professional world' you will find yourself in a meeting of some kind... Whether it be for professional development, or just a brain-storming session - you are going to be grouped together with your co-workers and peers... As a teacher the first part of my professional career I attended these meetings on a regular basis... They would vary anywhere from our weekly staff meeting on Thursday mornings to periodic Union meetings after school... I must be honest - I usually drifted off to 'a distant land' in several of those gatherings over that five year period... It's not that I didn't care - but I seldom had any direct interest or input, or so I thought at the time... I did enjoy the few moments before the meeting started to get to visit with my colleagues  which (as I look back now) was the most important part of the meeting process... Relationships are key to making an organization work...

As a church staff - we have pastoral meetings semi-regularly... In contrast to my approach on 'teacher meetings' - I have come to look forward to these staff meetings... It's a chance to pray together, do a short study and discussion (which I like very much), take care of logistics, and find out what's happening across the building... I always feel closer to the other pastors every time we close... In that short amount of time we have shared about ourselves and found out about the other people we serve with - Which is important for people on the same team... We need to be of 'one mind'...

 "Aim for perfection, listen to my appeal, be of one mind, live in peace." 2 Corinthians 13:11

So I look forward to the next 'not so chance' encounter with our pastoral staff in two weeks... Who knows - maybe we'll come up with something that will greatly impact our church, our community, or even - THE WORLD!!!

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