Thursday, October 15, 2009

Rain Will Fall

It's amazing to me that the song from Led Zeppelin (cleverly titled "The Rain Song") has some pretty deep insight into our lives... "Upon us all, a little rain will fall..." I'm reminded of that on days like this - cool, rainy, gloomy... A definite change from the days of 65 degrees and sunny that I was enjoying so much, recently... But you know what's interesting - How could I enjoy those beautiful days as much if there weren't days like this? I wouldn't - I couldn't - I shouldn't (ok - I threw that one in - I was on a roll!) 

Here's a practical example: How would you know how delicious a cold, refreshing, sweet, caffeinated, sugar-filled soda is unless you've tried it's 'diet-substitute' knock off - You can't, right..? You have to have tasted the bad to enjoy the good...

The same is true in life... We all desire easy going, stress-free, trouble-free lives... Here's the catch, though - We have to have those cruddy, 'rainy' days to really appreciate those times in our lives... If everything is great normally - do you know what it becomes? NORMAL! Normal is no fun - it's just... Normal... It's ordinary... Where's the fun in that? I'd rather be able to look forward to those times when God is showering me with His favor - even if I feel like He's not present...

For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. (Psalm 30:5)

So - get your umbrella and fedora out and sing and dance around a light pole on this rainy day... Because tomorrow - you've got some rejoicing to do!

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