Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Couldn't Even Catch a Cold!

Isn't it interesting that if you are wanting to insult a baseball or football player - you might call them names such as "butterfingers" or "Hands"... One I think is quite insulting is "You couldn't even catch a cold!" What? You telling me that I am SO terrible - that I can't even catch that terrible sickness that everyone gets and that never leaves? Bummer! I guess the effectiveness of that statement comes from the fact that it seems so easy to 'catch a cold'... And once you've caught it - it's almost impossible to drop...

Sin - the viral infection of our soul - is very similar to the 'common cold'... It can show it's evil head when we least expect it... Our lives can seem as 'healthy as an ox' - and then we make a big catch... It starts out with the soar throat - the watery eyes - the sniffles... A cold? No way - it's just allergies... We go day after day - trying to cover the symptoms with Nyquil, Dayquil, or any other type of 'quil' - to the same result... We now have a full blown 'Cold'... Sin is like that, too... It may start out like 'no big deal'... We rationalize and try to cover it up with superficial fixes, but it continues to fester in our bodies... Then it hits us - we are in the middle of our sin... The worst part of that is how far from God we are... You can't be neck-deep in your stuff and feel the comfort and warmth from your Father's love... We have to stop what we're doing - repent - take time to rest in Him - and take those vitamins (His Word)...

When we get healthy - how do we stay that way? Here's your prescription: You continue to rest in Him - take your daily dose of His vitamins - and be weary of those that are sick (and contagious) around you - and visit the Great Physician daily... repeat this for the rest of your days - and you'll be just fine!

"O LORD my God, I called to you for help and you healed me." (Psalms 30:2)

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