Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Fresh Perspective

I come to several realizations the older I get... I have come to realize the Frosted Mini Wheats are actually pretty tasty - that making homemade meals at home (though time consuming and messy) can be quite enjoyable - and that sleep REALLY is important!

I've also come to realize that you can't judge things by the first impression... My wife and I watched the Disney Pixar movie, "Up" last summer following the recommendation of one of our friends... The first time through we both had similar reviews: "That was sad!" - "I think I'm going to cry" - "I don't like this movie"... Unfortunately for us - we BOUGHT the movie! Whoops!

But as our son is discovering his infatuation with films like "Cars" and the "Toy Story" movies - we've tried "Nemo" and others and he seems to enjoy them... So the other day I though, "why not?" We gave it a shot! And you know what? He like it! And come to think of it - so did I! I saw all kinds of parts that made me laugh out loud... OUT LOUD!!! And I found myself telling my wife - I think you'll like it if you watch it again... She found herself also 'sucked back in' and enjoying herself... Don't get me wrong - there are still parts that are sad - but there are plenty of scenes to enjoy... The best part is making memories with my family, though!

The same is true when I read my Holy Bible... It's strange how much different each passage is every time I read it... It's so unique in the fact that I take different "nuggets" that I didn't see before... I will often 'box' or 'underline' passages that speak to me and six months later I'll study the same scripture again - and underline a completely different section... It's almost as if it's changing - or ALIVE!

"For the Word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." Hebrews 4:12

Today I decided to study the last few days of Christ's earthly ministry... I've been reading these verses for most of my life and still find it fresh and humbling every time... The Word of God still paints the picture of how much Jesus loves us... We see it in his triumphal entry - his anointing with the perfume - You even feel like you're in the upper room curled up with Him eating a meal watching Him wash feet and lead you in a hymn...

I pray that I never lose that sense of "freshness" when I read my Bible - and I think it's a pretty safe bet... God can't help but make His Word new - IT'S ALIVE!!!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sequence of the Seasons

Obviously there is reason to talk about the weather today... Why, you may ask? Well - it's March 26 (6 days into spring) and it has been snowing all day long... How can this be? This isn't what's supposed to happen!

But wait a minute! Do we know what's best? Do we control when the sun rises or when it sets? Do we decide how far the tides of the ocean can come to shore? Only the Lord controls such things... And we should be careful not to complain about what He is doing...

"Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell me, if you know so much. Who determined its dimensions and stretched out the surveying line? What supports its foundations, and who laid its cornerstone as the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy?" (Job 38:4-7)

Job began to question God and God decided to question him back... So even in our surprise - we need to remain faithful and trusting... He is still God - even when things don't make sense? He's God when babies are born and when they get sick... He's God when our check book is in the black or when it's in the red... He's still God when we are the pillar of health or stuck in bed... He's still God when it's 65 and sunny in early February and 35 and snowy in late March... Good, bad, or ugly (Whah, whah, whah!) - He's the same yesterday, today, and forever!

If you're looking for a good read today - check out the 38th chapter of Job for a little insight into how little you (and me, too) actually know! We might question things that God does a whole lot less!

"Can you direct the sequence of the seasons?" (Job 38:32)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Today's Agenda

Many people start the day off differently... For some - their day begins with their eyes popping open 5 minutes before their alarm and the are up and in the shower... 10 minutes later the coffee is brewed and it's time to start the day... They check their calendar (or their phone these days) and it's off to the races... Their day is planned and they are ready to take it on...

For others - their day begins with the 'Snooze Cycle'... Their alarm goes off 30 minutes earlier then it needs to so they can hit the snooze button 5 or 6 times before scraping themselves out of bed and sleek into the shower where the 'bed zombie' begins to melt away... Then they him-ho through their closet looking for the right ensemble for the day and have to skip breakfast as they are now (shocker) running late... As they drive to work or school they are wondering, "What do I have to do today?"

I won't say which one I am - but let's just say I'm not a morning person... But I do believe it's important to have a daily 'Agenda'... I'm a terrible planner and I need guidelines for the day... My mother used to threaten to send me to school with a notepad attached to my neck so teachers could write everything down for me... That's why today I have a calendar on my desk, on my computer, and (most importantly) on my phone so I know what I'm supposed to be doing each and every day... It helps to keep me on track... To know my agenda...

As a believer and follower of Jesus Christ - I also have an agenda... I am to be sharing the Good News of the saving grace that comes through and from Jesus and making disciples... (Matt 28:19) I am to be praying and caring for widows and orphans (James 1:27)... I am to be loving my wife and family... (Eph 5:25) And I am to take Paul's advice on living my life each day...

"Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody." (1 Thess 4:11-12)

So go ahead... Look at your calendar... Make sure and meet all your appointments - take your exams - return your phone calls and emails... But don't forget your main 'agenda'!

Monday, March 21, 2011

All About Famiglia

One of my wife and I's favorite shows is "Cake Boss" on TLC... We enjoy the show for multiple reasons: Buddy's 'mafia-esque' personality, the crazy sisters, the mouthy brother-in-laws, the quirky cake sculptors, or even being able to see all of the delicious cakes and pastries that go out of the bakery each week... But I think the thing that we like the most is the emphasis on famiglia!

Buddy often says, "It's all about famiglia!" (That's "family" for those of you that do not watch the show, or speak Italian) They may argue... They may get mad at each other... They may even mess up! But at the end of the day - it doesn't change how they feel about each other... It's tough enough working with anybody - but to work with your family - CRAZY! But they seem to make it work (at least on camera!)

We should all strive for that first of all - in our own families... My wife and I may not always agree on what we should do or what the "best course of action" is - but at the end of the day - it's all about famiglia!

Secondly - In the body of Christ... The body of Christ is a family where each of us has our job to do in the kitchen or bakery... We live together, work together, play together, vacation together, struggle together, cry together, pray together, and worship together... At some point in time - we are going to upset each other... But at the end of the day - it's all about famiglia!

So as I finish this episode of "Cake Boss" watching these artists create these incredible, edible masterpieces - I look at my wife and son and thank Jesus Christ for how blessed I am... At the end of MY DAY - It's all about famiglia!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

March Madness, Baby!

I know the Christmas season has the market on being "the most wonderful time of the year" - but I can't imagine that there is a more exciting month than March... Now - if you are not a fan of college basketball - then you probably disagree with me... However - if you are a fan of hoops - then you know what I'm talking about...

Ever since Dr. Naismith gave us the game - it continues to be one of the most exciting sporting events in the world... It is played all over the globe by people of different races and ethnicities... It's played by men and women... Tall and short... On two legs, or in wheel chairs... You may enjoy watching youngsters run around the court learning the fundamentals... You might be a die hard fan for your local high school teams... You may be a "Crazy" for your college or alma mater! Or maybe you actually still enjoy the NBA (I have moved on from that level - not as fun as when Michael was inspiring us all...)

Basketball is game that's both fun to watch and play... It's also a good lesson for life... You need more than just one person to be a success... You need more than five people to be a success... You may have your "franchise" player - but that's not what breeds a champion...

For starters - you need a team to play for - an organization to wear proudly on your jersey... You then need coaches - people to teach you the game and guide you along each quarter or half to allow you to have the best tools possible to win the game (and more importantly) have a good season... You then need team mates - peers to both challenge you and work with you to achieve your goals and objectives... Some may start, others come off the bench, or even others that are on the practice squad... Every one is responsible for the score at the end of the game... You also need referees - people that keep the game safe and even... These folks take the pressure of being the most unpopular people in basketball so that the game can go on... Lastly - you need (probably the most important people) The Fans! We all need fans wearing our colors - holding up signs - lifting their hands when we're at the charity stripe - Yelling, "DEFENSE"! People that rush the floor when you overcome overwhelming odds - but will weep with you in the stands after a crushing defeat...

If you haven't seen the analogy yet - Playing basketball is a lot like being part of Jesus Christ's church... We need each other to be successful in this game of life... We are on the best team ever - The body of Christ! We have pastors and teachers that coach us along the game... We have team mates that we are in small group with , or go to Sunday school class with... We have the Holy Spirit serving as our referee to keep us in bounds and playing the game the way Jesus has meant for us to... And finally - we're the fans... We are to build each other up... We are to be yelling for each other and lifting our hands in support when each other is at the line...

Maybe you're not a fan of b-ball - but I hope you're a fan of Jesus - and know that being on His team is truly "the most wonderful time!"

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Luck Of The Irish

St. Patrick's Day always brings out the 'green' in us all... Whether we are part Irish, or not - We all celebrate this fine day by wearing the color green, eating shepherd's pie or soda bread, drinking green ale, or relentlessly pinching those that were unfortunate enough to not have on green today... Like any holiday that the masses know nothing about - we blindly jump on the band wagon... Some cities have big parades while others (like Chicago) go so big that they dye the river green on this day...

But did you know that St. Patrick was not a green leprechaun-looking man, sitting around in a pub having a pint singing, "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling?" The celebration of St. 'Paddy's' Day actually started as a 'holy day' remembered by the Irish Catholic Church...

During the early 5th Century - Patricius (Patrick) returned to Ireland (after having been made a slave there as a boy - you should research the story - it's interesting) to share the Good News of Jesus Christ... Through the power of God he was responsible for several converts from paganism to Christianity over a period of 20 years... He traveled all around Ireland preaching and baptizing the Irish... He devoted his life to blessing those that would have made him a slave and striving to set them free...

This world has a strange way of twisting the memory of these different saints to fit a more popular view: Patrick, Nicholas, Valentine, etc. Don't you just wonder how these followers of Christ would feel about their memory being shifted in such a way that brings NO GLORY to the ONE DUE IT!

Fun Fact for Today:

Tradition says that Patrick used the three-leaf shamrock to illustrate the Trinity - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit... So today as you are seeing these everywhere - instead of thinking about the advertisement - why don't you see what Patrick saw - The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit!