Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Today's Agenda

Many people start the day off differently... For some - their day begins with their eyes popping open 5 minutes before their alarm and the are up and in the shower... 10 minutes later the coffee is brewed and it's time to start the day... They check their calendar (or their phone these days) and it's off to the races... Their day is planned and they are ready to take it on...

For others - their day begins with the 'Snooze Cycle'... Their alarm goes off 30 minutes earlier then it needs to so they can hit the snooze button 5 or 6 times before scraping themselves out of bed and sleek into the shower where the 'bed zombie' begins to melt away... Then they him-ho through their closet looking for the right ensemble for the day and have to skip breakfast as they are now (shocker) running late... As they drive to work or school they are wondering, "What do I have to do today?"

I won't say which one I am - but let's just say I'm not a morning person... But I do believe it's important to have a daily 'Agenda'... I'm a terrible planner and I need guidelines for the day... My mother used to threaten to send me to school with a notepad attached to my neck so teachers could write everything down for me... That's why today I have a calendar on my desk, on my computer, and (most importantly) on my phone so I know what I'm supposed to be doing each and every day... It helps to keep me on track... To know my agenda...

As a believer and follower of Jesus Christ - I also have an agenda... I am to be sharing the Good News of the saving grace that comes through and from Jesus and making disciples... (Matt 28:19) I am to be praying and caring for widows and orphans (James 1:27)... I am to be loving my wife and family... (Eph 5:25) And I am to take Paul's advice on living my life each day...

"Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody." (1 Thess 4:11-12)

So go ahead... Look at your calendar... Make sure and meet all your appointments - take your exams - return your phone calls and emails... But don't forget your main 'agenda'!

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