Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Fresh Perspective

I come to several realizations the older I get... I have come to realize the Frosted Mini Wheats are actually pretty tasty - that making homemade meals at home (though time consuming and messy) can be quite enjoyable - and that sleep REALLY is important!

I've also come to realize that you can't judge things by the first impression... My wife and I watched the Disney Pixar movie, "Up" last summer following the recommendation of one of our friends... The first time through we both had similar reviews: "That was sad!" - "I think I'm going to cry" - "I don't like this movie"... Unfortunately for us - we BOUGHT the movie! Whoops!

But as our son is discovering his infatuation with films like "Cars" and the "Toy Story" movies - we've tried "Nemo" and others and he seems to enjoy them... So the other day I though, "why not?" We gave it a shot! And you know what? He like it! And come to think of it - so did I! I saw all kinds of parts that made me laugh out loud... OUT LOUD!!! And I found myself telling my wife - I think you'll like it if you watch it again... She found herself also 'sucked back in' and enjoying herself... Don't get me wrong - there are still parts that are sad - but there are plenty of scenes to enjoy... The best part is making memories with my family, though!

The same is true when I read my Holy Bible... It's strange how much different each passage is every time I read it... It's so unique in the fact that I take different "nuggets" that I didn't see before... I will often 'box' or 'underline' passages that speak to me and six months later I'll study the same scripture again - and underline a completely different section... It's almost as if it's changing - or ALIVE!

"For the Word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." Hebrews 4:12

Today I decided to study the last few days of Christ's earthly ministry... I've been reading these verses for most of my life and still find it fresh and humbling every time... The Word of God still paints the picture of how much Jesus loves us... We see it in his triumphal entry - his anointing with the perfume - You even feel like you're in the upper room curled up with Him eating a meal watching Him wash feet and lead you in a hymn...

I pray that I never lose that sense of "freshness" when I read my Bible - and I think it's a pretty safe bet... God can't help but make His Word new - IT'S ALIVE!!!

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