Tuesday, July 29, 2014

A Special Summer Treat

One thing that I've always thought was fun about summer is trying to find creative ways to 'beat the heat.' As a boy - a special summer treat for me was hitting Dairy Queen late after playing a baseball game. Blizzards always tasted better in dirty, grass stained pants. Or we might hight Tropical Snow before playing around of miniature golf. Or if someone had access to a pool - that was always an effective cooling agent, as well.

Now that I'm an adult the solutions aren't much different. We still go for 1/2 shakes at Sonic after 8 PM. We may snag the occasional snow cone from the city park. We may take a dip in the pool (okay it's more like cannon balls, but you get the point.) Some days I just praise GOD that we have air conditioning and then I pray that my kids won't ask to go play outside!

But it's always nice to have a special treat to help cool you off during those blistering summer months.

As I thought about that today - I realized that GOD has been giving us several special summer treats this year. I had the chance to play golf with a friend of mine for a couple of hours and it was 78ยบ outside. On Tuesday, July 29th, 2014 in the cusps of Global Warming (hehe) it didn't even get into the 80's. How amazing is that?! It's been so nice out lately that my wife and I have to say, "It's too cold to go to the pool - why don't we go to the park instead…" That doesn't happen often.

God will often give you and I relief, too. Not only with beautiful weather in peak heat months - but in the moments when the world is getting darker. When our situations are getting tougher. When our marriages are holding on by a thread and animosity fills our hallways and bedrooms. When the relationships with our children seem to be straining to the point of breaking. God is always there to give us rest, to give us comfort - to give us peace. You see - you are His child and He wants to bless His kids. What (good) parent doesn't want to bless their kids? It's instinctive. But with our Heavenly Father He knows exactly what we need (and when we need it) to help cool off the heated situations in our lives. It may be a text or phone call from an encouraging friend. It may be a picture on Facebook that makes you smile. It may be a song that 'takes you back.' The heat of life can, at times, be more than we can bear and you just need a special treat to bring it all back in perspective.

So while I enjoy a good milk shake, snow cone, or dip in the pool - my Heavenly Father knows how to really spoil me. And I'll take this special summer treat anytime!

"They will come home and sing songs of joy on the heights of Jerusalem. They will be radiant because of the LORD's good gifts - the abundant crops of grain, new wine, and olive oil, and the healthy flocks and herds. Their life will be like a watered garden, and all their sorrows will be gone." Jeremiah 31:12 NLT

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