Tuesday, July 8, 2014

I've Got The Power!

Yesterday our family experienced something we don't very often. Actually - our whole part of town did. We were without power for 3 hours or so. At 3:30 a pretty fierce storm blew in and knocked out power in our neighborhood. At first it was kind of peaceful and quiet. Our kids were taking naps and our house was nice and dark so it was a nice moment at first. But after a little while that peace started to change.

As I was laying in my easy chair with my daughter asleep on my lap I began feeling some moisture in between us. It was sweat. And a lot of it! The a/c not working was finally setting in. Now for my wife this wasn't a big deal. But for my kids and I this is a very big deal. We get hot fast - and when we're united - it gets even worse. I reckon we're not at a super nova - but we're probably approaching that level. But I started to feel bad because we were so inconvenienced for a couple of hours. We even had to leave and go walk around the mall for a little bit until the power came back on. Poor me.

But as we were loading up after we received the text from my MIL that our power was back on I began to think about those that have had it way worse than me when it comes to power loss. Those effected by Hurricane Sandy or Katrina, or folks in other countries all around the world without power and running water. Places where they go days, weeks, months, years, or even a lifetime without the comforts of home that I take for granted every day - except for the 3 hours I spent yesterday in darkness.

For now - I've got the power on. The good money says it will stay on for most periods of my life. And I hope that I can start to be much more appreciative for it now and not take these comforts for granted. After all - every gift from God anyways. Our friend Job tells us in Job 1:21 that God alone gives and He takes away. So tonight He has given me a healthy family, plenty of food, clean water, a/c that's working, and the lights are on. I don't know what tomorrow will bring, but may the Name of the LORD be praised.

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