Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Fall Is In the Air

It's beginning to feel like fall already... Days are pleasant... Nights are refreshingly cool... School buses flood the streets in the early morning... and the lights are brightly lit every Friday night... This is the start of my favorite time of year... I'm a huge fan of 'fall'... I like the weather (days where shorts are appropriate, but jeans and long sleeves fit the bill some days) - I like the smells (still cut grass, but add the hint of bonfires and leaves) - I like the colors (the trees begin to whither away, but in their demise they show their true beauty)... It may have something to do with the fact that I was born in late October, as well... But whatever the reason - I like it...

I have many memories in my life that have taken place during the 'Augtober' months... What? Like you can't figure out what I'm trying to say... Anyways - I digress... I remember raking leaves in the yard with my family - weenie roasts in the back yard - hay rides at church... A little bit later was pick-up games of football and harvesting crops with my dad... In college and teaching fall always meant marching band... Almost every weekday and weekend was spent playing, marching, or teaching other people to play or march... All good memories...

Now - my fall's are a little different... I'm not sure exactly what my memories are/will be of fall for this season of my life... I don't rake very often - I don't get to harvest at the family farm anymore - and I don't plan on seeing the sideline of a football field to blow a horn or teach drill... And I may still play the occasional pick-up football game, but life is changing... I hope I never grow tired of seeing the beauty that God puts in our lives - not just in fall - but in every day...

"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." (Romans 1:20)

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