Monday, August 31, 2009

Sleep Is Over-rated

This new identity of mine ("Daddy") has led to a change in sleeping habits... I've never been a 'great' sleeper before - but I finally realized why parents of young children always look a little 'glazed over' in the eyes... They don't sleep a whole lot - and as of the past few days - neither do my wife and I... But that's okay... Even in the thick of diaper changings, late night feedings, and the constant wails of a 2 week old baby - I wouldn't change a thing... God has blessed us so richly - far more than we deserve...

I remember when my brother had his first son how excited he was... The experience and the change in lifestyle made him a 'new man'... It softened his heart and made him more of a grown up... I remember him saying once that he "couldn't imagine life without him now"... Those words got me thinking, "If my insensitive goon of a brother can handle this whole 'dad' thing - surely I can, too..." And you know what - he's exactly right... I can't (and wouldn't want to) imagine my life without our little boy... My priorities have sure shifted from trying to buy toys for myself and eat out whenever we wanted - but I'd take the moments I spend looking at that face more than a new guitar ANY DAY!!! But you know - I'd take both if someone's buying!

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