Friday, April 1, 2011

A Fool's Holiday

As March comes to a close each year - I find that I always begin April with a slight bit of hesitation... I tend to feel a slight hesitation as I trudge through this day... "Why?" you may ask... Well - April 1st is often referred to as "April Fool's Day"... Now, I must admit, I have pulled a few 'pranks' in my day on this particular occasion - so now I think it best to keep up my guard!

I do, however, feel something is strange and even a bit 'off' about this day... Why do we celebrate (even if it be tongue-and-cheek) being a fool? How is it that in our culture it has become popular to be the fool? Look at some of the biggest movies on the big screen in recent years - there are 130 minute long reels of foolish people - and we watch it time and time again! Check out the news or your favorite magazines - we think foolish people are hilarious, don't we? We can't get enough! But is it okay to be "a Fool?!"

Now - I will admit that we all at times can do foolish things... Maybe some of which you could even muster up a chuckle or guffaw about a few of the foolish things you're guilty of... I would venture a guess, though, that there are several foolish things that you are not proud of, too... There are times you have portrayed the part of a fool and you hope that nobody ever finds out! Well relax! You're in good company! We all mess up and act foolish some times... We are imperfect... Remember the whole "all like sheep have fallen astray" bit? But to be "A Fool" - that's a different story... What's the difference between someone that can "act foolish" and someone who is "A Fool"?

"A fool says in his heart, "There is no God." (Psalm 53:1)

That doesn't sound so funny, does it? April "Fool's Day" shouldn't be such a laughing matter... There are people all over the world who declare there "is no God."That strikes me as a very sad reality...

So today - instead of trying to trick people into believing something false and untrue - why not share the greatest truth ever - Jesus Christ! Tell them that there is a God and He loves them very much... Say that He wants to have a relationship with them and change their hearts, their lives, and their eternity... Let's not leave this a "Fool's Holiday" - but rather make it a celebration of truth!

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