Thursday, May 5, 2011

One Nation, Under God...

I'm sure like many others - I almost forgot about today being the "National Day of Prayer"... Now - granted - I didn't have any official "involvement" in any of the meetings - but it was something that I was planning on attending and being a part of... Those in charge of the event for our community planned three different sites at three different times... There was a morning session at 7:15 AM hosted by a local church that included breakfast... That would have been a wonderful time to go - except that it was 7:15 in the morning... Not my favorite time! There was a meeting at the courthouse at high noon - and I was actually able to attend that event... Finishing the day off was a prayer service at another local church in the early evening...

As I said earlier - I attended the noon session... It was pretty cool to be on the lawn of a government building praising God and lifting up the Name of Jesus Christ - especially on a day as beautifully created as this one... The event was planned well with a choir of small children starting things off singing a medley of "Everlasting God/A Mighty Fortress Is Our God"... Following the cute choir were several different individuals that made statements and led the impromptu congregation in prayer and a talented young lady led the group in a couple of songs... The designated prayers were facilitated by pastors, politicians, teachers, and businessmen from different denominations and backgrounds... White, black, men, and women... There was no segregation on this day... It didn't matter if you were baptist, methodist, lutheran, pentecostal, catholic, or something in between... Today - we we're the body of Christ... Gathered together in the assembly of the saints - proclaiming the Name of Jesus Christ and seeking God's favor and wisdom for our community, our leaders, our churches, our families, our children, and our nation...

At least for today - we were "One nation, under God... Indivisible - with liberty and justice for all..."

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