Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Projectile Dysfunction

My work day was shortened today... Productive - but shortened by a couple of hours so I could go home and watch my little boy so his grandma could get her hair done... I didn't mind, though... There's not much better then spending time with the coolest kid ever! To my surprise - he had just woken up from an hour and a half nap when I arrived home and was ready to hang with his dad...

We watched a video together... We laughed... We played... And then we decided we'd run a few errands and go for a ride "in Dad's truck"... As we went out to the garage, though, I was greeted with an attack from the mouth of my little boy... BLAH!!! BLAAAHHH!!! All over him and me! I was officially grossed out!

But as I was holding my sick little guy - I began to feel a sense of worry mixed with a healthy portion of sadness... My precious boy was legitimately sick and I couldn't do anything about it... What a terrible feeling! It's one thing to feel bad yourself - but so much worse when somebody you love that much is sick or hurting! I wanted so desperately to fix it - to make him better...

I have a feeling I'm not the only Dad that feels that way... I know my Heavenly Father feels that same way about me - but to even a greater extent... He sees me hurting, or broken... He sees me when I'm sick (physically or spiritually)... And He loves me - even when I vomit all over His chest and His powerful arms... And He wants to hold me in His arms and make me feel all better... But sometimes - the best thing for us is to just 'make it through' it... Sometimes - things just need to 'run their course'... Even knowing that, though - it's comforting knowing that our Daddy (Abba) has us in His arms - covered in our vomit and spit-up - stroking our heads and kissing our teared saturated faces - and telling us it's going to be okay... It's going to be okay...

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