Friday, May 20, 2011

What If?

There's been an interesting story running in the media lately... There is a group of "believers" (led by a Christian radio director on the West Coast) that is sure that the Church will be raptured and that the beginning of the 'End' starts tomorrow, May 21, 2011... They believe that Jesus Christ is going to take His people home at that the earth will erupt with a ferocious earthquake beginning at 6 PM Eastern Time...

First off - I have no idea how they came up with a mathematical equation to figure out the exact date AND TIME of when God The Father is going to send His Son, Jesus to swoop up His Bride, or even if it's accurate... But regardless of how the media spins these 'doomsdayers' - they are bringing an important theme to forefront of many conversations... Is the 'End' near? Is it tomorrow? It makes you think, doesn't it...

I don't know whether I'll go home to be with my Savior tomorrow, or not... I could go tonight... It could be a week from now... It could be 100 years from now... Who knows? But I do know this - I'm excited for whenever it happens...

"Heaven must receive Him (Jesus) until the time comes for God to restore everything, as he promised long ago through his holy prophets." Acts 3:21

God is going to restore everything when He's good and ready... There are definitely 'signs of the time' showing all over: earthquakes, tsunamis, tornados, floods, volcanic eruptions, famine, AIDS, genocide, anarchy, riots, united governments, and more... Not to mention all of the trouble surrounding Israel (God's People) is making all kinds of headlines... These could be birthing pains and we could be close... But I'll say this, though - that's how we should be living life everyday... We should always be anticipating and prepared for His arrival... Much like the apostle Paul - we should be torn between our purpose and mission in this world and our eternal reward with Jesus...

So who knows - this could be my last 'blog entry'... On the other hand - I may be blogging tomorrow night... But either way - Jesus is coming back soon... Are you ready?

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