Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Kid's Stuff

One of the most challenging parts about getting older is the amount of fun that you 'refuse' to have... "I can't do that - that's Kid's Stuff"... You know what I'm talking about, don't you... I won't stand up - I won't clap - I'm not going to do the 'Cha Cha Slide' or the 'Chicken Dance'... You won't join in on the friendly duel of DDR or Wii tennis... For some reason - you've have outgrown being 'fun'... When does that ever happen?!!

Unfortunately - we see this same phenomenon in the church... We have been in the trenches of, yet another, VBS... That's right - Vacation Bible School... Our children's pastor and volunteers have made such HUGE efforts to make this an enjoyable, educational, and powerful experience for these young people - And their efforts are to be commended... But all the while the band is jamming - and the singers are rocking out - and the kids are busting a move - I see something that bums me out... Some of the adults REFUSE to join in the fun!!! Now - don't get me wrong - I'm glad they're present in the first place... Obviously, they are investing in the lives of these children... But what's keeping them from joining in with the fun..? Whoever came up with the lie that worshiping God should be boring..? Oh, wait... I can probably figure out who 'fathered' that lie...

Psalm 30:11 says, "You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy..." Which would you rather do - wail or dance..? Well - if dancing before God and shouting for joy and singing songs is 'Kid's Stuff' - Then I don't ever want to grow up!!!

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