Saturday, December 19, 2009

'Til There Was You

I am not known to be a huge fan of weddings... Now that doesn't mean that I don't enjoy some and think they are important - but I'm not one that desires to go to 20 a year... Unless you are involved with the wedding, or are ridiculously close to the bride and/or groom - it's uncomfortable... You know what I'm talking about - They let your row out and what do you do? Do shake hands? Do you hug? Do you graciously walk by because you have no idea who they are? Like I said - "UNCOMFORTABLE"!

Today was a different story, though... For starters - I played keys at it... I always enjoy doing that for people to make their day special, but this was for a good friend of mine... This friend and I have been friends over the past 5 years when we were in small group and have been close ever since... And this friend had an interesting story... He had - like many of us - given up on love... After several bouts with being 'shot down' by several young ladies - my friend was getting discouraged... He was a great guy with a great heart - but he felt like there was something wrong with him... He felt as I did at one point in time: "Would I be alone?"

Over the past year, though - a great change took place... He met a girl - a wonderful girl that has changed his life... They enjoy being together - they support each other... It's so sweet to see them developing in their relationship all the time... It seems as if they were meant for each other... That God had a plan - and even though it looked like it would never happen - (Like always) He pulled through... They looked so happy today as they went through the ceremony... It almost felt like a scene from the Music Man - or for you Adam Sandler buffs - the Wedding Singer: "There were birds all around but I never heard them singing... No I never heard them at all 'til there was you."

Friday, December 18, 2009

Hustle Bustle

One of the aspects Christmas that tiptoes the line of "love & loathe" is the busyness of the season... Many would call it the "hustle bustle"... Between parties, family get-together's,  Christmas programs, worship services, shopping, and cookie baking - The calendar can fill up pretty quick... I have found that to be true in my life, at least... I, for one, enjoy the 'h & b' of Christmas... I like to be active and making memories... My wife, on the other hand, would just assume sit at home with me and the boy and watch tv... I don't think either one is wrong or right - but I think a healthy dose of both is what we should all strive for...

I found this out when I looked at the calendar on my phone and saw that there was one day when there wasn't an evening event for me... ONE DAY! I had rehearsals, Band practices, Small groups, Dinner parties, Family pictures... It is non-stop! But - I've got a lot of memories now and I wouldn't change a thing... I had my first family Christmas pictures with my wife and son... I've gotten to spend time with my friends and co-workers... I've been able to spend time getting to know my students better at our rehearsals and groups... Now - granted - another blink and I'll be in January - but I'm going to enjoy it while my eyes stay open... So I'm going to keep going on and enjoy every moment of every day... I'm not getting December in 2009 back ever again - So I continue on...

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas Concerts

One of the things that truly gets many people into the 'spirit' of the season is undoubtedly the Christmas music... Various arrangements of traditional favorite tunes puts boys and girls, young and old in a 'holly, jolly' mood... Whether it be driving in your car, strolling through the shopping mall, or home decorating your tree - singing about a "Silent Night" or the song about the angel, "Hark" puts you in a joyful frame of mind...

There is one venue that I can always count on to bring Christmas cheer to my heart - and that is annual high school Christmas Concerts... Our local high school had its program today and I decided to go... I have several students that were involved in the band, choir, and orchestra... They all did a wonderful job... The strings were sweet - the voices angelic - and the flutes - were... Uh, well... 'Flutes'... Ha - just kidding (band humor)... Some tunes I remember from my teaching days, while others were a nice surprise...

While I enjoyed the music and seeing the smiling faces from the audience - there was something I enjoyed even more... I truly was glad to hear that they still called it a "Christmas Concert"... It wasn't a "Winter Concert" or "Holiday Concert"... A "Christmas Concert"... Yeah - "Christ" is in that word... Without Him - we'd be celebrating 'mas'... That doesn't sound very exciting... Without Christ - there is no reason to celebrate... But with all the work on Capital Hill to remove Christ from everything - it's neat to see that some institutions are still willing to call things what they are... Way to go, guys... I'm proud of you... Now - Let's go on a 'Sleigh Ride', shall we... "Just hear those sleigh bells jingling"...

Friday, December 4, 2009

God's Arrangement

Today was a trip down 'memory lane' for me... I was able to do something I haven't done very much of in quite a while - I got to 'arrange' music... For the past couple of days I have been arranging Christmas tunes to be played by different ensemble in our Christmas program debuting in a few weeks... I haven't done much of that since my teaching days... As I got into it deeper and deeper - I began to realize something... I am rusty... I didn't realize how much practice it takes to stay good at being creative and orchestrating music... But I definitely enjoyed myself... Similar to remodeling a room in the house - it's exciting to see something go from what it used to be - stripped down to the bare bones - and layer by layer - made into something fresh and new... 

It was such a joy to think of interesting harmonies and counter-melodies to go with the tune... Taking five violins and making them compliment each other in the grand scheme of a composition... It is very gratifying, but hard work... It got me thinking about our Heavenly Father... He orchestrates this entire world into a beautiful symphony of His pleasure... He positions each section to be in the right spot for optimal sound quality... He uses the sounds of the waves to lay a foundation of tone... He then uses the winds to add depth... He uses the birds and rustling of trees to add texture... And He allows our voices to take the melody as we offer up melodious praises to His Name... 

"All the earth bows down to you; they sing praise to you, they sing praise to your name." Selah (Psalm 66:4)

It's fun to create music... But it's much more exciting to be part of God's Orchestra... Selah!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Unknown Family

I have been very blessed that God made me a part of the family He did... Even though I, at times, have been vocal about my displeasure with them - I know that I couldn't have been assigned a better crew to grow up with and to raise me... My folks have been married for 40-some years and I have 2 older sisters and an older brother... There are a couple of 'sibling-in-laws' in there and some nieces and nephews... But the 5 original stated are what I grew up with... 

I love my siblings... Being the youngest - I was treated differently... For example: If I was sick - The "Middle" sister would take care of me... The "Oldest" sister would (if not working one of her 10 jobs) would be handing me a wash rag with her arm stretched 'around the door' waving, "Here you go... Come and get it"... Now - my brother - well that's a different story... He would have been laying on top of my stomach trying to make me puke... But - like he would always say, " I'm just trying to help"... I'm still trying to figure out that philosophy!

Those memories came to mind today due to the fact that my uncle - my Mom's brother - recently passed away... I didn't know him very well - but quite frankly - neither did my mom... They didn't have much a relationship for a long time... I don't know why and I don't even know if they knew "why"... But it got me thinking... I would hate not having a relationship with my brother and his family... I would hate not knowing what was happening with my sisters... Not seeing my nieces and nephews grow up, but in the occasional Christmas Card... That would break my heart... And I know it is no fun for my mother, either...

So let me take a second and thank God for my family... I know we don't get to see each other every day - or even as often as I'd like... But I love them... And they will always be a part of my life... But you know what's even better then that - The fact that I will spend eternity with them and Christ... Now that's a family photo I can't wait for...