Thursday, December 3, 2009

Unknown Family

I have been very blessed that God made me a part of the family He did... Even though I, at times, have been vocal about my displeasure with them - I know that I couldn't have been assigned a better crew to grow up with and to raise me... My folks have been married for 40-some years and I have 2 older sisters and an older brother... There are a couple of 'sibling-in-laws' in there and some nieces and nephews... But the 5 original stated are what I grew up with... 

I love my siblings... Being the youngest - I was treated differently... For example: If I was sick - The "Middle" sister would take care of me... The "Oldest" sister would (if not working one of her 10 jobs) would be handing me a wash rag with her arm stretched 'around the door' waving, "Here you go... Come and get it"... Now - my brother - well that's a different story... He would have been laying on top of my stomach trying to make me puke... But - like he would always say, " I'm just trying to help"... I'm still trying to figure out that philosophy!

Those memories came to mind today due to the fact that my uncle - my Mom's brother - recently passed away... I didn't know him very well - but quite frankly - neither did my mom... They didn't have much a relationship for a long time... I don't know why and I don't even know if they knew "why"... But it got me thinking... I would hate not having a relationship with my brother and his family... I would hate not knowing what was happening with my sisters... Not seeing my nieces and nephews grow up, but in the occasional Christmas Card... That would break my heart... And I know it is no fun for my mother, either...

So let me take a second and thank God for my family... I know we don't get to see each other every day - or even as often as I'd like... But I love them... And they will always be a part of my life... But you know what's even better then that - The fact that I will spend eternity with them and Christ... Now that's a family photo I can't wait for...

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