Friday, December 4, 2009

God's Arrangement

Today was a trip down 'memory lane' for me... I was able to do something I haven't done very much of in quite a while - I got to 'arrange' music... For the past couple of days I have been arranging Christmas tunes to be played by different ensemble in our Christmas program debuting in a few weeks... I haven't done much of that since my teaching days... As I got into it deeper and deeper - I began to realize something... I am rusty... I didn't realize how much practice it takes to stay good at being creative and orchestrating music... But I definitely enjoyed myself... Similar to remodeling a room in the house - it's exciting to see something go from what it used to be - stripped down to the bare bones - and layer by layer - made into something fresh and new... 

It was such a joy to think of interesting harmonies and counter-melodies to go with the tune... Taking five violins and making them compliment each other in the grand scheme of a composition... It is very gratifying, but hard work... It got me thinking about our Heavenly Father... He orchestrates this entire world into a beautiful symphony of His pleasure... He positions each section to be in the right spot for optimal sound quality... He uses the sounds of the waves to lay a foundation of tone... He then uses the winds to add depth... He uses the birds and rustling of trees to add texture... And He allows our voices to take the melody as we offer up melodious praises to His Name... 

"All the earth bows down to you; they sing praise to you, they sing praise to your name." Selah (Psalm 66:4)

It's fun to create music... But it's much more exciting to be part of God's Orchestra... Selah!

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