Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Projectile Dysfunction

My work day was shortened today... Productive - but shortened by a couple of hours so I could go home and watch my little boy so his grandma could get her hair done... I didn't mind, though... There's not much better then spending time with the coolest kid ever! To my surprise - he had just woken up from an hour and a half nap when I arrived home and was ready to hang with his dad...

We watched a video together... We laughed... We played... And then we decided we'd run a few errands and go for a ride "in Dad's truck"... As we went out to the garage, though, I was greeted with an attack from the mouth of my little boy... BLAH!!! BLAAAHHH!!! All over him and me! I was officially grossed out!

But as I was holding my sick little guy - I began to feel a sense of worry mixed with a healthy portion of sadness... My precious boy was legitimately sick and I couldn't do anything about it... What a terrible feeling! It's one thing to feel bad yourself - but so much worse when somebody you love that much is sick or hurting! I wanted so desperately to fix it - to make him better...

I have a feeling I'm not the only Dad that feels that way... I know my Heavenly Father feels that same way about me - but to even a greater extent... He sees me hurting, or broken... He sees me when I'm sick (physically or spiritually)... And He loves me - even when I vomit all over His chest and His powerful arms... And He wants to hold me in His arms and make me feel all better... But sometimes - the best thing for us is to just 'make it through' it... Sometimes - things just need to 'run their course'... Even knowing that, though - it's comforting knowing that our Daddy (Abba) has us in His arms - covered in our vomit and spit-up - stroking our heads and kissing our teared saturated faces - and telling us it's going to be okay... It's going to be okay...

Monday, April 25, 2011

Artistic Expression

Being a pastor - Easter is always a busy time of year... Well worth it, of course, as non-believers are often 'extra curious' those 2 or 3 days a year about Jesus, God, the church, or salvation... We can't miss the opportunity to share with them the love that God has for them - the love that He showed by the death of His Son, Jesus of Nazareth... And in this culture - sometimes you have to get creative to bring the message home...

My closest friend (also our Creative Arts pastor) had some really good ideas for that this year... With the potential of over 3,000 people coming through the doors of our church building for Easter services - we had to make sure our message was precise, full of truth, and creative enough to hold a 'first-timers' attention... So to accomplish that task - our team added a large metal cross illuminated with LED lights suspended over the congregation... My friend also sang a Garth Brooks song with video clips from the "Passion of the Christ" showing in the background to connect the message of Jesus' love with those that weren't familiar with 'church music'...

One of his oddest suggestions, though, was that we start the service of with me singing a song - not so strange - but to be painted while doing it... Okay - now it's a little strange! But you know what - it was powerful! I don't know about for the congregation and those that witnessed the song... But for me it was very moving... Singing about the change that God has made in me - knowing who I used to be (and still have a tendency TO BE) about brought me to tears every time... As I was being covered in all the colors of the rainbow - I was becoming a new creation - just like Paul said I would...

"If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old is gone, and the new has come." 2 Corinthians 5:17

I know many do not agree with 'creative thinking' when it comes to sharing the good news of Jesus Christ... They feel it is wrong and inappropriate to use such creative means of expression - And maybe they're right... But when Judgement Day comes (and it will) I don't want to reach the Bema Seat and find out that I didn't do all I could to reach lost people and inspire those struggling in their faith - just so I could please 'church goers'... Does that even make sense?!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Take A Hike

I try to make it a point everyday to thank God for His many blessings... I thank Him for my family, my home, my job, and a wonderful church family to serve with... I start each day out before my feet hit the floor with reciting a passage of Scripture - "This is the day the LORD has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it." (Psalm 118:24) Every day is a gift... The bed I sleep in and my beautiful wife I share it with are a blessing... The little toddler that I chase around the house is a blessing... Even the very air I breathe is an undeserved reward from my Heavenly Father!

Today - however - I discovered something else I am thankful for - my feet! I often take for granted my ability to move my body around the way I do with my feet and legs... I know not everyone is as fortunate as I am to have a strong set of legs and two feet to take me to and fro... Due to my truck going 'in the shop' this past week - I have been "forced" to take a hike to and from work on occasion... Thankfully - it's only about a 15 minute walk from the shop to my office... And it also doesn't hurt that it's been 70 and beautiful both days (Thank You, Lord!)... But in those few minutes it dawned on me how blessed I am... I'm not just blessed to have a truck that gets me around and works well (most of the time) - but also that I'm able to walk... What a blessing! During those walks I noticed so much more of the blue sky - and how bright the sun was shining - how the clouds looked like delicious cotton candy or odd shaped puppies...

I'm not saying that I'm selling my truck and (like Forest Gump) just start run-nin... But it was nice to have to slow down for a few days... Sometimes we need that, don't we? We need to get back to the transportation system that God started this world off with - our feet! So I encourage all of us to every now and then - just take a hike!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Who do you root for?

I have spent the entire NCAA basketball tournament on the edge of my seat... I have seen some amazing upsets that nobody expected and 'no-namers' become stars... I've seen the underdog overcome overwhelming odds and coaches pull rabbit after rabbit out of their hats... The Final Four didn't fail to excite and now the anticipation of the grande finale - The Championship Game!

But here's where my problem lies... I don't know who to root for!

Every other game I have been cheering for a team to win so my bracket would give me a bit of self worth and impress others 'less knowledgable' than me... Unfortunately - that didn't happen for me this year (or any year, that matter!)... Actually - I was beaten by my wife this year in total points on our brackets... Talk about humiliating!!! But if I were going to lose to someone - I'd rather it be her... But the two teams I wanted to win in the Final Four did and now they both have the privilege of playing in the 'big game' against each other... Both are exciting stories and starring a cast of unlikely heros... One team has a legendary coach with years of experience and one is one of the most prominent up-and-coming coaches in the game... What's a basketball fan to do?

I guess I will just have to enjoy the game... If I do that - I can be excited for both sides... I can be impressed by both coaches... I can be impressed by the elevated play of each individual on the court... I might not even have to yell at any referees this way! I can just be what I should be - a fan of the game...

Often times I like to see things go my way - even in my faith... Even though we are all part of the Body of Christ - I like to see my particular part look better or come out on top... I like to be the guy people are looking at and cheering for... And (if I were honest) I like to win! I want my ideas and my ways to work out the way I think they should... I want people to choose me over somebody or something else... I like to hear people say how great I am... I even find myself, at times, wishing for the blessings that others receive... Not very attractive, I know - let alone Christ like!

Jesus made it pretty clear, in Luke 9:48 when He said, "whoever is the LEAST among you is the GREATEST." I'm not on a separate team... I'm not involved in individual sport... I am not even the star player on the team! I'm just what I'm supposed to be - a role player on Team Jesus... He is the person I need to root for... His Will is what I need to be cheering for - no matter who He uses to accomplish it... I just need to be a 'fan of the game'... Not worrying about who wins, but rather lifting up those who are in the game! Go Team!

Friday, April 1, 2011

A Fool's Holiday

As March comes to a close each year - I find that I always begin April with a slight bit of hesitation... I tend to feel a slight hesitation as I trudge through this day... "Why?" you may ask... Well - April 1st is often referred to as "April Fool's Day"... Now, I must admit, I have pulled a few 'pranks' in my day on this particular occasion - so now I think it best to keep up my guard!

I do, however, feel something is strange and even a bit 'off' about this day... Why do we celebrate (even if it be tongue-and-cheek) being a fool? How is it that in our culture it has become popular to be the fool? Look at some of the biggest movies on the big screen in recent years - there are 130 minute long reels of foolish people - and we watch it time and time again! Check out the news or your favorite magazines - we think foolish people are hilarious, don't we? We can't get enough! But is it okay to be "a Fool?!"

Now - I will admit that we all at times can do foolish things... Maybe some of which you could even muster up a chuckle or guffaw about a few of the foolish things you're guilty of... I would venture a guess, though, that there are several foolish things that you are not proud of, too... There are times you have portrayed the part of a fool and you hope that nobody ever finds out! Well relax! You're in good company! We all mess up and act foolish some times... We are imperfect... Remember the whole "all like sheep have fallen astray" bit? But to be "A Fool" - that's a different story... What's the difference between someone that can "act foolish" and someone who is "A Fool"?

"A fool says in his heart, "There is no God." (Psalm 53:1)

That doesn't sound so funny, does it? April "Fool's Day" shouldn't be such a laughing matter... There are people all over the world who declare there "is no God."That strikes me as a very sad reality...

So today - instead of trying to trick people into believing something false and untrue - why not share the greatest truth ever - Jesus Christ! Tell them that there is a God and He loves them very much... Say that He wants to have a relationship with them and change their hearts, their lives, and their eternity... Let's not leave this a "Fool's Holiday" - but rather make it a celebration of truth!