Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Take A Hike

I try to make it a point everyday to thank God for His many blessings... I thank Him for my family, my home, my job, and a wonderful church family to serve with... I start each day out before my feet hit the floor with reciting a passage of Scripture - "This is the day the LORD has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it." (Psalm 118:24) Every day is a gift... The bed I sleep in and my beautiful wife I share it with are a blessing... The little toddler that I chase around the house is a blessing... Even the very air I breathe is an undeserved reward from my Heavenly Father!

Today - however - I discovered something else I am thankful for - my feet! I often take for granted my ability to move my body around the way I do with my feet and legs... I know not everyone is as fortunate as I am to have a strong set of legs and two feet to take me to and fro... Due to my truck going 'in the shop' this past week - I have been "forced" to take a hike to and from work on occasion... Thankfully - it's only about a 15 minute walk from the shop to my office... And it also doesn't hurt that it's been 70 and beautiful both days (Thank You, Lord!)... But in those few minutes it dawned on me how blessed I am... I'm not just blessed to have a truck that gets me around and works well (most of the time) - but also that I'm able to walk... What a blessing! During those walks I noticed so much more of the blue sky - and how bright the sun was shining - how the clouds looked like delicious cotton candy or odd shaped puppies...

I'm not saying that I'm selling my truck and (like Forest Gump) just start run-nin... But it was nice to have to slow down for a few days... Sometimes we need that, don't we? We need to get back to the transportation system that God started this world off with - our feet! So I encourage all of us to every now and then - just take a hike!

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