Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Everyday Headaches

I know we celebrate one day a year where it's okay to brag on ol' dad for a 24 hours. Father's Day is definitely a unique day in which the stereotypical 'Everybody Loves Raymond' dad gets replaced by those more caring role models from 'Growing Pains' or 'The Cosby Show.' Dad's today (unfortunately) earn their bad 'street cred' most of the time. They don't spend the time playing, wrestling, encouraging, or teaching their children the way they should. Rather they often work too many hours, spend too much time watching sports or sports center, hanging out with their buddies, or they may just spend too much out in their work shop. Either way - they're not doing the job God gave them to do. And that's just for the dad's that are in the picture!

The stats of children growing up in a single mother family are shooting through the roof at a staggering rate. These guys just want to 'hit it and quit it' and aren't willing to take responsibility for their actions. Let's just cause a woman to have the greatest responsibility on the planet and then move on to the next gal! Classy! But sadly - how common is it in our world? How many times have you seen it in your own circle of relationships? Too many, right?

Why would a guy do that, though? Probably because all they can see is the headache and not the joy of an absolutely amazing ride! It's kind of the opposite of how they view drinking too much alcohol. They see the joy of the ride and don't think about the headache that follows until it's too late. I've had some cool experiences in my life before parenting, but the one's that follow have been amazing! I can't imagine a better gig or honor than being the father of 2 beautiful children. They're my joy! Especially when I see them growing in the Lord. Hearing their prayers or listening to them sing worship songs just melts my heart. When I hear them be polite or use the words, "I love you." The greatest lesson I can teach them is to follow Jesus Christ. More important than how to use the bathroom, wash their hands, brush their teeth, or hit a baseball. Those all fall short of pointing them to Christ!

"The father of a righteous child has great joy; a man who fathers a wise son (or daughter) rejoices in him (her)." Proverbs 23:24 NIV

Headaches will and DO come - at times even daily! But the joy far outweighs any inconvenience that the 'everyday headaches' bring. Being a 'Dad' is not an easy task, but I'm doing my best and with the Holy Spirit's help I know they'll turn out okay…

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