Tuesday, June 24, 2014


There's not many times in my life that I would say that I've achieved any type of 'success story'. I've never climbed a mountain, run a marathon, and haven't made millions of dollars. I'm just a pretty average guy doing pretty average things. I'm not what I'd consider a lazy person, but I also probably have no future as a motivational speaker. I'm just a normal guy doing normal guy stuff.

But my wife and I did do something that I'm pretty proud of. We started and completed one of those TV infomercial workouts. Now this is something I've been thinking about for a long time. I watch those things and see these transformations of these people that "are just like me" (Yeah, right! They're all professional trainers or models, probably) and just know that I could do that and look just like them! I'd see P90X and think WOW in 3 months I could look like that! But then realize that you workout for an hour and a half every day and it's bonkers! Then I'd see Shaun T's Insanity workout. Many they're sure getting results and it's only in 60 days! But… They workout out for almost an hour every day. Who has time for that and I don't know if my body would survive the intensity of Insanity… Zumba, Brazilian Booty, the Ab Roller, Richard Simmon's Dancing with the Oldies'. What was going to be a good fit?

I was talking with my brother at his boys birthday party back in April and told him that I wanted to accomplish one of these workouts. Check it off my list of accomplishments. I told him I was really thinking about INSANITY and he said why don't you start with T25 first? My brother and his wife had purchased Shaun T's 'T25' workout. I hadn't heard of this one, yet. It's similar to INSANITY, but only 25 minutes each day for 10 weeks. "Hmm…" I thought to myself. I could do that… And so the journey began.

Truth be told - it was difficult. My body was not prepared for what was to take place. I would plank, burpee, push up, squat, and all kinds of other tortures in an attempt to get in the best shape of my life. My back suffered for a few weeks and there were times I thought my knees would actually give way. But do you know what kept me going? No - it wasn't amazing self-discipline. It wasn't Shaun T or his crew on the TV. It was my wife!

You see - she committed to doing this with me every morning. She wasn't super stoked about it, but she told me if I wanted to see this through that she would come along side me. And she did. Every morning we'd roll out of bed and work out for 25 minutes. We would be dripping with sweat and miserable, but I couldn't have been more proud of her. And while that was sweet and all and yes - I probably am in the best shape I've been in since high school - it wasn't the best part.

Jesus said in John 14:16 that when He left His disciples that He would send an "Advocate" or "Helper" "to help you and be with you forever - the Holy Spirit." The Holy Spirit's job is to 'come along side you' and not take your burdens away - but to help you get through them. Maybe that's why Eve came from Adam's side. So that he'd always need her by his side to make him complete. I definitely needed Lucy by my side to see this through!

We also decided that if we were going to work out our bodies - we should also work out our spirits. So we have started doing a 'couples devotional' after every workout. Dr. James and Shirley Dobson have a marriage devotional they did several years ago called Night Light and it's just a short devotional with a thought, some questions, Scripture, and a short prayer. And while it was nice to work out our bodies together, it was even greater to grow together in the Lord by really talking and praying together.

Are my abs perfect? Nope… Is our marriage perfect now? Nope… But both are getting better - and our prayer is that it continues in that direction. Who knows - maybe we'll come out with our own workout/Devotional combo and begin to see healthy couples all throughout the church. How does 'Strong Hearts' sound? Cheezy? That's what I thought, too...

1 comment:

  1. Awesome story! It's funny that the word used for "helper" when Jesus says he'll send the Holy Spirit is the same word used in Genesis when God could find no suitable "helper" for Adam. It's great to see you and Lucy's marriage illustrating God's intent so well!
