Saturday, June 28, 2014

Pass the Aloe, Please

There are lots of things in life that are great about having a blonde haired, blue eyed, fair skinned family. However - there is a HUGE drawback - especially during the summer months. While the sun and warm weather can bring lots of family fun and entertainment - it can also bring great danger to our bodies. It's almost like our bodies get 'embarrassed' to be in the sun for any amount of time beyond 4 minutes because it just gets RED! Some of us are worse than others, but all of us can get a sunburn much faster than your average human.

Fortunately - my wife has found plenty of good sunscreens that usually do the job when applied properly. If we're going swimming she has developed this routine: Put on their suits, use spf 50 lotion all over at home on the back deck, put on swim shirts, put on face sunscreen, get flip flops on, travel to pool, get out, spray them with MORE sunscreen, let them dry a bit, then throw them into the water. We also try to reapply as the day goes on and most of the time it does the trick. We will still see rosy cheeks or some raccoon eyes occasionally - but for the most part it's developed a good track record.

For example - yesterday my family went along with Lucy's sisters family to Holiday World in Santa Claus, IN. We we were in the parks from 9:30 AM - 6 PM (most of the time in the water park) and walked out with sun-kissed faces. That's really about it. A little pink in certain areas, but no real burns. SUCCESS! Praise God for free drinks and free sunscreen all over the park!

Today? A different story. The day started out with me and my brother-in-law playing a round of golf during the early morning. As we finished our round the wives and kids pulled up to swim in the pool for a couple of hours. Sounds great! I guess we didn't get our fill during those 6 HOURS YESTERDAY! Haha. I digress.

So I get my suit on and spray up a little bit of sunscreen thinking we won't be staying long. But as we played in the pool - a couple of hours go by and I'm still in and out of the water. Than it dawns on me… My shoulders are tingly. DANG! And sure enough - I came home to see a rosier version of myself in the mirror. Lucy and Journey were good and Fender had some raccoon eyes, but all in all was okay. Me? Walking like a zombie and complaining every other word. I truly thought steam was going to come off my back as I took my cool shower. My wife, the compassionate soul she is, brought in the aloe and covered my back for me. I then covered my shoulders and chest with the blue goop waiting for relief. Praise God that when pain comes - He often provides the solution. You have a headache? Take a Tylenol. You cut your finger? Put on a band aide? Your marriage is struggling? See a great counselor. You're an alcoholic? Get in with the great folks of AA. You're lost and dying in your sin? Receive Jesus and be alive in Him. And if your sun burnt? Pass the aloe, please!

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