Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Can't Get Used To It

Even after 2 straight months of pricking and sticking - I can't get used to seeing my son have blood work done... It's bad enough that twice a day his mother and I have to give him blood thinning shots to make sure his blood stays at a normal level (and we still don't know how long we are going to have to do that)... But once a month now we go in for 'blood work'... For most of us this would be a fairly easy process - Show up, get stuck, draw the blood, and you're out... Not the case for our 12 week old son... His little veins are so small that it's next to impossible to find... It's pretty much the same every time - First tech tries a few times - feels bad and gives up... Then enter the next tech - same thing... Finally (5 or 6 sticks later) someone else comes in and tries it 'one more time' - and finally gets the blood drawn... There's not much worse than seeing and hearing your little boy scream in agonizing pain and you can do NOTHING about it... If only you could take the needles instead... If that could be you they were trying to take blood from...

I spoke of this situation in a communion meditation a few weeks ago during a church service - well - I blubbered through it... It's odd to think that God has shown me good things in this experience, but He has... I am learning more and more about how much He ACTUALLY loves us... He would let His Son, Jesus, go through being beaten, flogged, hit with a staff, having a crown of thorns shoved on His head, and nailed to a cross and suffocate... Why? For me and my sinful nature... He allowed His son to go through all of that and die - for me - a sinner... When I think about how much I hate to see my little boy go through this - it makes me look at things a little bit different... My Heavenly Father loves me so much...

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son - that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)

Thanks, Father... For loving me THAT MUCH!