Monday, November 9, 2009

Dad Day

Monday's are continuing to become one of my favorite days... Lately that has increased due to the fact that I spend Monday's with my son... Due to working on Sundays - many of us take Monday off... So instead of grandma - he gets "Dad" for the day... We play - we nap - we eat - we poop... We get to go in rides in the truck - many of times we'll find ourselves at the orchard getting apple cider donuts... They're delicious - at least he likes them - ha (he's only 12 weeks old, but I tell people they are for him...)

It's important for he and I to have a strong relationship... There is something hardwired inside of us that we are connected to our mothers - perhaps the whole 9 months in the womb and umbilical cord have a deeper impact than we know (I sometimes still have to remind my wife to 'cut the cord!') But it's more work to stay close to your father... Whether that be from working long hours to support the family, or (for some) they're more interested in hanging out with their buddies or watching football... But so much with our children is based off of the relationship with their daddy... Many experts say that social skills, intelligence, and even sexual health and preference come from relationships (both healthy and unhealthy) with the father... And that's just one of the many reasons that I know I am blessed... My parents were both there for me and were commited to each other for the long haul... That's impressive and quite rare... But what a great example for me to follow in being commited to my wife and raising Godly children... So thanks, Mom and Dad...

I love 'Dad Days' and I pray that I never grow tired of them... The truth is - I know he's going to grow up fast... There may even come a day when he doesn't want to be around me, but I know that these days spent together are going to impact him for the rest of his life - and that's my job - to make sure he grows up to be strong in the Lord...

"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." (Proverbs 22:6)

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