Monday, November 23, 2009

My Dance Card Is Open

One of my wife's favorite shows is "Dancing With the Stars" on abc... It takes celebrities (many of which are trying to make a 'come back' or are trying to establish themselves in the industry) and matches them with a professional ballroom dancer... They train week after week to perform one, two, or sometimes three dances for a panel of judges and millions of voters... They train rigorously for five days and are expected to offer their best dance each Monday night... Tuesday then comes and somebody is going home... Sadly - each week one of the contestants is voted off the show by the fans votes, or lack there of... But they give their very best effor to dance and impress both the judges and the fans...

I enjoy ballroom dancing very much... In fact - I took three semesters of ballroom dance in college and really enjoyed it... I even won a few ribbons in my time, but that's a different story for a different time... But I think dancing is important... It can be done for fun (school dance), in celebration (a wedding), for competition (ballroom, cheerleading, dance team, etc.) There are several occasions that inspire us to dance - all of which can bring a smile to your face...

I was priviliged to be a part of such a celebration this past weekend... In our student worship service we did a song that - uhh... "Encouraged" dancing... We were singing songs about clapping our hands and shouting for the Lord... (Psalm 47) And then we sang songs about dancing before Him...

"David... danced before the LORD with all of his might." (2 Samuel 6:14)

It was so powerful to be with 100 students dancing with reckless abandon before our God... However - I'm sure many would not approve of our behavior in a "church setting"... Sometimes - it seems like many Christians don't want to emulate the man who was said to be "after God's own heart"... "'I have found David son of Jesse a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.' (Acts 13:22) Why is that? I don't know... It would make sense to me that we should model someone that has a heart after God, but that's not always the case, is it..? Much like the "spiritual folk" in Footloose - many feel that dancing is not for the children of God... But if you look in the Bible like our friend Ren McCormick - you will see that God has a different perspective... "There is a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance..." (Ecclesiastes 3:4)

So - "Everybody cut foot loose!"

1 comment:

  1. you took ballroom dancing in college? thats an exciting fact i didn't know about you :) i would love to learn to dance, i signed myself up to dance for the christmas program, reminding myself i haven't danced since my 8th grade year cheerleading! I am not at all coordinated. i trip over my own two feet. But i deffinitely give cudos to the people that can make some serious moves. Sooooooo, Cudos :)
