Wednesday, November 4, 2009

No-Shave November

My wife and I are very similar... And the longer we are married - the more (or so it appears) we are becoming even more similar... We use the same words - we enjoy the same types of food and restaurants... We enjoy the same television shows (well - mostly!)... We are two 'peas in a pod' are my wife and I... There is one thing we do differ on - and that is the (not so well known) phenomenon of "No-Shave November"... I think it's pretty cool - my wife? Does not... She thinks that long, scraggly hair off of my face isn't very 'becoming'... She would prefer that I keep my grooming to where she can actually 'see' my face... I guess I should take that as a compliment, though... But there's something - oh, what's the word... MANLY about 'No-Shave November'... I'm not sure why the idea of letting your beard get as long as possible over a span of 30 days is so attractive to me, but I know many a men who would enjoy it - if their wives, mothers, or girlfriends would allow it! 

There must be some type of 'power' that comes along with it... Maybe that's why Sampson went for the whole Nazirite vow, thing... 

" 'During the entire period of his vow of separation no razor may be used on his head. He must be holy until the period of his separation to the LORD is over; he must let the hair of his head grow long." (Numbers 6:5)

Maybe in his quest to be a strong man of God with his Nazirite vow -  in turn God made him a strong man...  He was a judge that God appointed to rescue Israel for a time... Now granted - it all didn't work out the way I'm sure he and his family imagined it would - he had some trouble following the Nazirite rules (wine, dead things and - of course - women)... But Samson did destroy the Phillistines that were oppressing the Israelites - but it took taking his own life to do so... 

So - for all of us out there that are being ridiculed for our 'burly', 'semi-lumberjack-ish' appearance this November- stay strong, my friends... And if it gets too much for you - tell them that you might lose your strength if you shave off your beard or cut your hair... And she doesn't want that - who will kill the spiders, take out the trash, and rake those leaves!

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