Wednesday, November 18, 2009

That Time Already

It's amazing... "It" is in the air... It's in the shopping malls... It's filling the aisles of your local Wal Mart... It is even finding it's way to radio stations across the world... Christmas is coming! I know, I know - we haven't even gotten to Thanksgiving, yet... But, rest assured - Christmas is already showing it's beautiful face... I know all of this because I have been to the mall and Wal Mart... I've have flipped through stations on the radio... My best friend has already put up three Christmas trees at his house (He says his wife "made" him, but I have my suspicions...)

I don't mind, though... It's my favorite time of year... Which is partly why I'm already excited to be planning our student Christmas program at our church... We are planning songs, videos, dramas, and (of course hand bells) that will bring forth the sounds of the season... It's an exciting time that, though it's a great deal of work, is always a joyous occasion full of excitement and wonderful memories...

Maybe a large part of it is the excitement of Christ's birth... Remembering the account of Jesus Christ came to earth as a baby through His mother, Mary... We think about His birth in Bethlehem - and the wise men visiting - and the shepherds and the angels... But you know what else it makes me think of? His return! Now that's a season I will be ready to sing about!!! "Joy to the world - the Lord is 'coming'!"

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