Sunday, November 15, 2009

Off To Bed

Well tonight's the night... It's been 3 months with our little boy sleeping in his bassinet in our bedroom - or in a hospital bed... But tonight his mommy got him fed - put him to sleep - and took him to his bed in his room... This is pretty difficult for us, though, because he's only ever napped in there... He's a good 12 feet further away now -what if he needs us? Well - I know it will be fine... We have the monitor next to my ear so if he even moves in the night - I'll hear it... But there's something about being in 'plain sight' that provides a certain comfort... If I can see him - I know he's there and he's fine... But if I can't see him - I have to rely on him to cry loud enough or for the equipment to work properly so I can get to him and meet his needs... I know it's the best thing for him to be in his bed - I just need to have faith that he's going to be fine in there all by himself... It's difficult to have faith in things that you cannot see... That's kind of the purpose of faith, I guess...

"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." (Hebrews 11:1)

We have to believe that God will take care of us even when we don't see Him right there... He is always there to take care of us when we need... He's just a good Dad and gives us our own space sometime so we can do some things on our own... Much like my son - we need to become comfortable in our surroundings and know that our 'Dad' is going to be 12 feet away and listening for our cries... He'll be there the moment we need Him... So rest well in your 'own beds' tonight... Daddy's close by...

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