Thursday, June 11, 2009

Cleaning the Clubs

I figured after a spring season of playing golf in the mud - that it was time to scrub the ol' clubs up... I shimmied through the garage to the spot on the wall where my clubs are displayed and gingerly carried them into the kitchen to receive their spa treatment... I began to chip away at the layers and layers of mud that have cemented its way onto each face after several 'duffed' shots on the fairways... Okay - 'The Rough'!!! Are you satisfied.?! I confess - I don't even know what the fairways look like... Gee Whiz!!! A little judgemental, aren't we..?

Anyways - like I was saying - I was scrubbing up my golf clubs: My SUMO driver, my Tour Select irons (That's right - Tour Select... These are the greatest clubs you've never heard of!!!), and my new putter... And I'll tell you what - they looked brand ne... Well - they looked like they were right out of the bo... Okay - they weren't perfect, but they sure looked better... It's amazing how - what seemed to be cruddy and worn out clubs - now all of a sudden look like they can still do me some good... That once they were dipped in the water - they were still valuable...

Unlike my numbered devices of torture (if you play golf you know what I mean) - when Jesus cleans us up - we're better than brand new... We were never even put in the box... He takes the crud caked on us called sin and washes it off with His blood to make us clean - As white as snow...

"Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water." (Hebrews 10:22)

After that wash-job, I'm ready for any course... Tee it up, baby!

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