Sunday, June 14, 2009

Gone Again

I regret to inform you, my blog-buddies, that I will - yet again - be gone and unable to blog for a week... I know - some of you will truly miss my daily ramble on some obscure topic... I too will miss rambling... I've come to look forward to it every day, actually... But I assure you I will be back soon - full of clever stories and anecdotes from a week spent with my wife and 33 of our students and 5 volunteer sponsors...

We trudge over to Indiana tomorrow for a week of a 'church camp thing-a-ma-jig'... We leave on a Monday and return on Saturday afternoon... It is always an amazing week as we spend the vast majority of our time focusing on Christ... Whether it be between devos, services, quiet time, or playing ultimate Frisbee - I am always amazed at how God can truly work in a span of 5 days... Well - I shouldn't be amazed, I guess - God is pretty amazing... Nah - HE'S TOTALLY AWESOME!!!

"For the LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome" (Deuteronomy 10:17)

I plan on having plenty of 'blog-able' material when I return... Send us your prayers if you have some extra 'God chatting' time... We could sure use it... Until then, my friends...

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