Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Change is Good

I'm always amazed how good it feels to change things around a bit... I'm not sure why - but I enjoy change... Today, for example, I got to exchange and rearrange some furniture in my office... It was fun... It made it feel like a completely different room... A piece of furniture here - some wall art there... Voila! A totally new space...

When it comes to change - I know I'm blessed... I don't mind it as much as some people do... Some people HATE change... They avoid it as much as possible... Now - I will admit that some change is bad... It can even hurt at times... But - know this - God is a God of 'change'... He wants to change our hearts - our lives - and our eternity... He wants to change us from the sinful creatures we are into the children He's always longed for us to be... That change comes when we accept Christ and let Jesus take over... Now - that's way cooler than moving my desk!!!

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