Saturday, June 27, 2009

Raining Babies

Today my wife had her baby 'shower'... Her mom, sister, and best friend put together this celebratory shin-dig to 'shower' her with gifts for our near (nearer all the time) addition... It was a nice mix of ladies... There were family members, close friends, ladies from church, and even a few rugrats... The ladies were single, divorced, married, mothers, and grandmothers - all from different walks of life... On this day, though, they all had one common goal - to 'shower' my wife with blessings... They wanted to show their love and support to my wife and I by providing gifts that would benefit both us and our 'soon to be' son, Bam Bam... It always warms my insides to see people be selfless and show genuine concern for others, let alone bombard them with diapers, soaps, and blankets... It was amazing...

But you know what's even more amazing - is that no matter how much we are 'showered' with gifts by others - nothing compares to the 'showers of blessings' from our Heavenly Father...

"I will bless them and the places surrounding my hill. I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessing." (Ezekiel 34:26)

As God's children - we have 'baby showers' available to us each and every day... God wants to pour out His blessings on all of us - all we have to do is move our umbrella out of the way... "I'm singing in the rain..."

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