Monday, June 8, 2009

Unforseen Blesings

I didn't realize how much I was going to miss composing my daily blog when I was at a church camp outside of Manford, Oklahoma all last week... I did have internet access, but finding the right time to sit down and collect my thoughts was few and far between... So - 'the drought is over' - for this week, at least...

I had a very exciting week at this camp... We hung out with kids, played frisbee and hacky sack (I know - all of the 'hippies' out there got excited for a moment), wrote songs, went to IHOP way too often (and late), and laughed a lot!!! Each evening during our worship services - I got to play guitar for the band AND gave the evening message... Our theme for the week was "Extreme Makeover"... I had prepared messages that would line up with that thematic idea... Laying down foundation, building up walls, and changing from the inside were some of the topics covered...

During the mornings I spent a great deal of time alone writing messages, praying, and focusing on the task that God had for me... I kept praying that the lives of these students would be greatly changed by what God was doing through me - which I believe did happen... I know God loves them just as much as He loves me and He definitely longed for them to know Him more...

But you know what..? Do you know who was really changed by the week..? ME... I'm the one that felt the presence of the Lord... I'm the one that left refreshed (exhausted from lack of sleep), but refreshed... My soul felt recharged... Sometimes - the things we think we're doing for God are actually the 'things' He's doing for us... I think this acts as a great reminder to us - that God uses our service to Him to not only benefit others, but build us up, as well... Man - He sure knows what He's doing...

"Therefore I glory in Christ Jesus in my service to God." (Romans 5:17)

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