Monday, August 31, 2009

Sleep Is Over-rated

This new identity of mine ("Daddy") has led to a change in sleeping habits... I've never been a 'great' sleeper before - but I finally realized why parents of young children always look a little 'glazed over' in the eyes... They don't sleep a whole lot - and as of the past few days - neither do my wife and I... But that's okay... Even in the thick of diaper changings, late night feedings, and the constant wails of a 2 week old baby - I wouldn't change a thing... God has blessed us so richly - far more than we deserve...

I remember when my brother had his first son how excited he was... The experience and the change in lifestyle made him a 'new man'... It softened his heart and made him more of a grown up... I remember him saying once that he "couldn't imagine life without him now"... Those words got me thinking, "If my insensitive goon of a brother can handle this whole 'dad' thing - surely I can, too..." And you know what - he's exactly right... I can't (and wouldn't want to) imagine my life without our little boy... My priorities have sure shifted from trying to buy toys for myself and eat out whenever we wanted - but I'd take the moments I spend looking at that face more than a new guitar ANY DAY!!! But you know - I'd take both if someone's buying!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

It's Just a Little Spit Up

The past ten days have been some of the most emotional of our lives... We have been parents now for 10 - almost 11 days by now... We've begun to discover how we can function (not so good at times) on minimal sleep... We've also started to see how blessed we are to have a well behaved baby... (for the most part) He sleeps when he's supposed to... He eats every couple of hours... And he gets his recommended amount of 'poopy' diapers every day... Actually - he gets more than his share, or so it would seem...

Today, however, was different... He didn't eat well today... He didn't want to... He just would rather sleep... "Okay" we thought... No big deal... But later in the day - we fed him and - Oh, yeah - Up it came... We had 'projectile'... All over mommy!!! Needless to say, my wife was a little discouraged... "What's wrong with him?" - "Is it my fault?" - "What did I eat?" - "Is he going to be okay?"

But - we don't need to worry... In fact - we need to remain happy - even 'cheerful' and think about all the good stuff God is doing in our lives... "Why" you may ask..? Well - "A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones. (Proberbs 15:30)

I don't know about ya'll - but I'd rather focus on the good stuff so we feel better... So - look at someone with a 'cheerful smile' and tell everyone the 'Good News' about Jesus Christ...

Don't you feel better now..?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

And the two became - three?

Over the past 2 1/2 years I am beginning to learn a great deal about life, love, and what God has for me... I won't say that I'm an expert (by any means) - but I do feel that God is enlightening me all the time... At times - the lessons are subtle, but other times "flashing lights"... God is the GREATEST teacher and uses the proper technique at the right time... Strange how he does that, huh...

Being married for a couple of years after 27 years of 'singleness' has taught me that I need to work hard to be selfless... My wife and I get along well and have a great time - but it's difficult at times to always like each other enough to comply... But I've learned that no matter what - I love her... Not because of the 'ooey gooey' factor - but because she's MY WIFE... It's my commitment and my job to love her - unconditionally... That means that whether or not she cleans the house, cooks me dinner, does laundry in high heels - we're in it for the long haul...

The book of Genesis speaks of the idea of two people becoming one person when they get married... "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh..." (Genesis 2:24) I've always thought that was an interesting concept... That there is something 'spiritual' about sexual intimacy and that type of commitment that binds two people together... Unfortunately - this world and it's ruler have perverted that bond which many of us have screwed up - but that's a different story for another time...

After - uhh... 'Witnessing' the birth over a week ago (yeah, that was educational, ha) I realized how true that passage of scripture is... My wife and came together (as one flesh) and created 'one flesh'... By combining our bodies we MADE a new body... That 'one flesh' came in the form of a beautiful baby boy...

After seeing what God allowed us to do - it dawned on me why marriage is so important to God... When you commit to being 'one flesh' - you are very well committing to being 'one, two, or even eight fleshes' (no TLC reference, I assure you)... That's not something to be taken lightly... Oops - gotta go... I hear my 'one flesh' crying...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Back to School

It seems like some of the most powerful sayings come in '3 word' installments... "I love you" - "It is over" - "Jesus loves you" - "Time to eat"... All have the power of persuasion to sway our emotions... It's no wonder that this time of year the other '3 word' saying rings through the minds and ears of both young and old - parent and child - teacher and student - "Back to school"... You knew it was coming - don't be so surprised!!!

Having been on both sides (student AND teacher) I understand rushing' torrent' of emotion that comes along with this time of year... You just get used to summer and now it's over... Time for structure - getting up early - DRESS CODES!!! Well that's how teachers feel, at least...

I no longer have those same emotional moments that I once had during the middle of August - but it's still close to home... Most of my family is involved in the school system or something related to it (teachers, speech paths, coaches, school boards, grant programs)... Not to mention the 100+ students God has put under my care that are trying to score in that last late night before they begin the year... Why they think that will make tomorrow better - I have no clue...

Most people look at the middle August as the end of summer vacate... However - how much better would we all be if we looked at this time as a great opportunity to start afresh... A new day, a new year, a new life... It is time to declare that 09-10 is the 'Year of the Lord'... It's time "to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor" (Isaiah 61:2)... So wake up tomorrow with a new energy and a positive attitude... This could be the best school year ever!!! Class is in session!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Dysfunction Junction

As a youth pastor you get exposed to a variety of struggles that young people deal with... Whether it be family drama, getting into college, or trying to figure out this whole 'God Thing'... It seems like most of the discussions I have, though, end up being about some 'boy' or some 'girl'... I know - SHOCKER!!! I get anything from "He broke up with me" to "She cheated on me" to "I really like him and he doesn't know I exist" to "we're fooling around, and it's so hard to stop" or "my boyfriend isn't really a Christian - is that okay?" 

Unfortunately - I'm far to experienced in the realm of 'dysfunctional' relationships... My mother would tell you that I had an addiction to 'controlling' women - not drugs, hooch, or tobacco - just domineering women... Strange, I know... But I've recently discovered that I have a student that has found himself in the same situation... He (and another fella) are being 'jerked' around by a very attractive (hence why they are being 'jerked' around), but confused young lady... She, apparently, is trying to have her cake and eat it, too... By that I mean - keep both of them in the wings as she needs, or desires...  Quite frankly - nobody deserves that kind of treatment... There can't be two 'first chairs' in any ensemble - unless, of course, they play different instruments... 

I guess I care enough to 'blog' about this topic because I've been there... Too many times... I've let women/girls dominate my thoughts, my actions, my self worth, and my choices... Praise God that He saw it fit to give me a wife that loved and supported me - even when I didn't deserve her... But I hope for my student's sake - that he, too, comes to the realization of his worth through Christ... If we could even get a glimpse of how special God thinks we are - we wouldn't let someone else's opinion ever beat us down... We'd walk tall and proud... So what are you waiting for - STRUT!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Wearing a Mask

Once a month our ministry has a special worship service called STAND... It normally takes place the first Tuesday night of the month... Due to scheduling conflicts - we went with the second Tuesday this month... We always try to make it more 'experiential' than our normal Sunday morning services... That's not to say that we don't put a great deal of effort into our Sunday presentation - but we like to do different things for this particular service...

Tonight was all about wearing masks... How we all try to conceal our true selves by putting on a 'facade'... We cover up every blemish, scar, and imperfection... We don't want anyone to actually know what we look like - right..? But I'm sure that's not why women wear make up, though... Just kidding, ladies... But seldom do we like to show anybody this canvas at its 'rawest' form... We're too embarrassed...

However - God tells us that we are just fine... In fact - we're better than just fine... We can be made 'perfect' in His sight... When we accept Jesus Christ as our lord and savior - We are washed by His blood - and all the imperfections we've accumulated by sinning are wiped away... We've been perfected by what HE DID...

Often times it seems like masks are made to look more glamorous and exotic... We wear them for parties or "masquerade balls" so we can become 'someone else' for an evening... But there's no need to cover up who you are... You have an excellent designer that is causing you to look more and more like Himself... Would you want to cover up what your maker looks like..?

"And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit." (2 Corinthians 3:18)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Still Waiting

Have you ever noticed how challenging it can be when anyone uses the words, "any time now"..? Those three words can make you an impatient, whining, baby... Before those 4 syllables were uttered you were content - you were being very patient - but now that someone informs you that whatever you are waiting on could be there at any moment - you become a little antsy... I'm beginning to see that with this whole 'baby' thing... He's been in there growing for the past 9 months... I wasn't in any hurry... We had a projected delivery date - and that was that... No worries - no wondering... We had a date...

However - our doctor told us a few weeks ago that my wife was doing quite well and that the baby could arrive - wait for it... "Any time now"... Yep - he said that... So here we are - three weeks before that date we were waiting on - and we start thinking, "Is it today - is tonight the night"... We began to get really excited and anticipate is coming arrival... But you know what - we're still waiting!!! Maybe even getting a little anxious and frustrated, too... We were doing fine waiting for our date... Why did he have to say that..?

Unfortunately, though - God's people spend a great deal of time waiting... Sometimes entire lifetimes - Abraham and the promise for a son... Joseph had to wait for his appointment over 16 years... David was hunted and chased for 10 years after he was annointed king of Israel... God doesn't always bring about His blessings swiftly... Sometimes - He wants us to wait...

This past weekend in our worship services - we sang a song with the phrase, "While I'm waiting - I will serve You, While I'm waiting - I will worship"... I thought that was pretty profound... Inevitably - God is going to make us wait at some point in time... Probably several points in time to be honest... What do we do during those times..? Do we complain and moan - or do we act like the song said and, "serve and worship Him"..? Let's go for option '2', ya'll... So while you're waiting for His wisdom, His timing, His intervention - see who you can serve and discover new ways of worshiping Him in a fresh, and intimate way... There's no better way to pass that time!!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Anytime our students take a trip I make it a point to bring along our video camera with me... Our ministry team includes a Video Producer that creates videos to show during our main worship services each weekend... Sometimes - he likes to showcase what's happening in the 'other part of the building'... Which is fantastic - our church has been blessed in so many ways - so it's nice for our people to see what God is doing in young children, junior highers, and High school students... And he does a great job, by the way...

I also like to 'attempt' to make videos (and a feeble attempt, at that)... I'm not great at it, by any means, but I really do enjoy it... But unlike our professional Video Producer - I have a difficult time 'compacting' hours worth of footage into a tightly wrapped, high quality, 2-minute production... How do I leave things out..? Did I get any shots of that kid..? Where am I in these shots.?! IS THE LENSE CAP ON?!! Just kidding... But how does one do that..? How do you choose what makes the vid and what doesn't..? These are great questions... Which is why my videos normally are 7 minutes at their SHORTEST!!! I know - I'm laughing myself... Seldom - when telling a story - do we want to omit any pertinent information... We want to share everything... But there's not always time, is there..?

Good thing with our Heavenly Father - there's all the time in the world... Actually - with Him - there's NO TIME... He's outside of time... "With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day." (2 Peter 3:8)... God's not on any schedule... He doesn't need to be at Cracker Barrel by 12:15... He can check out the whole story again, and again... He's just like a proud parent that can't get enough of your family home movies...

"All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." (Psalm 139:16)

Could you imagine what your 2 minute clip would look like..? Don't worry - you don't have to...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Dirty Laundry

I have blogged recently concerning my mission trip I took with my students to the Boston-ish area... Due to some changes in sponsors - we had to come up with an alternate mode of transportation for our luggage... Why you may ask... Well - it's very challenging for 32 people to go through lines, check luggage, get through security, find your gate, get on the plane, find your luggage at the next destination, and move on... So in the past we have been blessed enough to have a sponsor that was willing to drive our luggage out to the east coast in a van with a box trailer attached to it... Not a glamorous job, but a job much appreciated by us... That didn't work out this year - so one of our other sponsors had the great idea of 'shipping' our luggage - freight style... So that's what we did... We put it on skids - put plywood all around it - and shipped it... It was at the school waiting for us when we got there... It was fantastic!!! We didn't have to mess with it at the airport... We didn't have to shove it in to our rental vans... What a God-send...

The trip home, however, is a different story... As we finished up our week of building roofs, painting, and repairing bulkheads - we loaded up our shipping crates full of dirty clothes, smelly socks, and wet towels... They were sealed tight and ready to ship out the following Monday... We were expecting them to arrive by that Wednesday... But guess what - That didn't happen... We kept waiting - and waiting - and waiting... No word... Finally we hear on Friday where our luggage has turned up - Salt Lake City... Yep - That's right - Utah!!! How did that happen.?! I don't know... I guess our luggage wasn't through traveling, yet... It went East - it needed to go West before coming home...

The good news is - it's back home... A week and a half late, but home... Now - I mentioned earlier about what was in the crates, right..? After a week - boxed up - in a hot truck - what do you think those bags smelled like..? Yeah - exactly... They had been pinned up for so long with all of those unwashed, disgusting clothes inside, that it was pretty obvious that some of these items would get 'tossed'... Goodbye shoes!

Isn't it a good thing that God doesn't do that to us, though... He looks at those of us that keep the 'dirty laundry' all sealed up inside of us for way too long - and He says, "you are beautiful"... He doesn't discard us because we took an extra long time to make our way back to Him - He welcomes us with open arms and He has all sorts of tools to clean us up - no matter how bad we look (or smell)... I'm always amazed by the 'Lost Son' parable that Jesus told... That son of his that turned from him, took his inheritance, puked it away with lavish living, was so far gone that pigs were living better than he was... He finally went back to his father after a long detour and his father ran to him and hugged him... He didn't turn him away and say, "take a bath first"... He hugged him... God doesn't look at us as dirty laundry... He sees us as priceless possessions that He treasures more than anything in the world...

Can Tide or ALL get the stain out? Maybe... Can Jesus get rid of our stains? Fo' Sho'!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Just One Good Shot

As many of you have probably figured out by now - I quite enjoy a round of golf... Actually - if weather and time permit - it's one of my favorite things to do on my Monday's off... Today was no exception... My best buddy and I found our way out to our usual site for landscape destruction - and put in 18 holes... It felt more like a roller coaster than a gentlemen's game, though... It was full of pleasant 'ups' and terrifying 'downs'... Actually - they were more like 'drops'... One hole we would be enjoying the sweet aroma of 'par-fume' - and the next - the frigid chill of the dreaded 'snowman'... It was quite a ride, to say the least... We definitely got our money's worth today...

During our 3 hours burning rubber on the cart path I realized something... I became aware of how easily 'swayed' my emotions were... How could I possibly feel so discouraged one shot, but feel like I just won the Master's the next..? One minute I wanted to shout from the rooftops how much I love this game and the next put my head in the mucky pond... It's crazy right..? That's not what a stable, self-controlled, young man should be like... I often times watch people like Tiger and think, "man - if I were that good - I wouldn't be such a baby on the course..." But you know what - I get it!!! If I feel the way I feel after missing a 5 foot gimmie - how do you think he feels when he blows it... It doesn't make it pretty (on either of our parts) but it is understandable, at least...

Unfortunately - we can show this inconsistent sway in our lives, as well... Things don't go our way and we whine, pout, or complain... We show our true colors... A patient man has great understanding, but a quick-tempered man displays folly. (Proverbs 14:29)

Now - I know that God's Word is for every part of our lives - But does that actually include the golf course, as well..? I thought so... Oh, well...

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Into The Unknown

It seems there has been a great deal of appeal in television shows that keep their viewers guessing... Shows that can even be - at times - down right confusing... I think of the show LOST when I ponder this type... The passengers on Oceanic Flight 'whatever' always seem to have new twists on the island... Not to mention the random jumps in time backwards and - even more confusing - future... I didn't start off watching the show from the beginning... My wife and I tried to catch on during the 3rd season - but soon realized we were too far 'lost'... I know - I'm hilarious! Tonight I saw a show that struck the same note with me... It wasn't about passengers on a plane that went down in the Pacific, but about astronauts going into space... None of which are sure why they were selected to go on this particular 'mission', but they are all excited to be there... Much like LOST - they have flashbacks and 'flash forwards' that leave the viewer both confused and intrigued... What's going to happen next..? Well - I guess I'll have to tune in next week, huh...

The same is true with our spiritual walk with Christ, too... We know some important information... We know that Jesus is the son of God - that He died for us - rose again - and sits at the right hand of the Father... We know that only His blood washes away our sins and because of Him we can spend eternity in Heaven... But there's a number of factors we don't know... We don't necessarily know what our 'plan' is... We don't exactly know what God has in store for us... We don't know where we'll end up or how He is going to use us in His ministry... But we do know that He has great plans for each one of us... "Plans to prosper and not to harm us - give us hope and a future" (Jeremiah 29:11)... That's encouraging to know even if the future is unknown...

That's enough to keep me tuned in for another week... How about you..?

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Where'd It Go?

It's amazing to me that the older I get - the faster time seems to go by... I know that sounds cliche, but it's true... For example - What happened to July..? Where'd it go..? I don't know, actually... I think I remember some events transpiring during the 7th month of our calendar year... My mom used to tell me to keep a journal during July because it will sneak away on you... You know what - she was right...

I don't know if it has something to do with the fact that I had our vacation, a week of vbs, a mission trip, or planning for our baby to arrive or not - but it went by FAST!!! I didn't keep a journal, though... I hardly have had time to blog... Bummer... But I have memories from July, though - however fast it went... I grew more in love with my wife... I improved relationships with friends and made new ones... I got to spend a week with my family... I ate my favorite ribs on the planet, a juicy filet mignon topped with bernaise and lump crab meat (stop salivating), and (recently) got my 'lobster roll'... Delicious cuisine aside - I also got to travel and serve my God... That was extremely rewarding...

I think one of the coolest things, though - is that I was one month closer to seeing my son for the first time... I've heard his heart beat - I've seen the ultra sounds - I've even seen his nose in 4D... But I can't wait to meet him - face to face... I can't wait for him to come home... Maybe that's why I let July go by so fast...

It's neat how God takes our emotions and our feelings and lets them display how He feels about us... I'm so excited about seeing my son that I had a small part in creating, but God is even more stoked than I am... He created me - and He created you...

Psalm 139:13-15 - "13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place."

I thought I was excited... But that's one excited 'Daddy'...