Wednesday, August 19, 2009

And the two became - three?

Over the past 2 1/2 years I am beginning to learn a great deal about life, love, and what God has for me... I won't say that I'm an expert (by any means) - but I do feel that God is enlightening me all the time... At times - the lessons are subtle, but other times "flashing lights"... God is the GREATEST teacher and uses the proper technique at the right time... Strange how he does that, huh...

Being married for a couple of years after 27 years of 'singleness' has taught me that I need to work hard to be selfless... My wife and I get along well and have a great time - but it's difficult at times to always like each other enough to comply... But I've learned that no matter what - I love her... Not because of the 'ooey gooey' factor - but because she's MY WIFE... It's my commitment and my job to love her - unconditionally... That means that whether or not she cleans the house, cooks me dinner, does laundry in high heels - we're in it for the long haul...

The book of Genesis speaks of the idea of two people becoming one person when they get married... "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh..." (Genesis 2:24) I've always thought that was an interesting concept... That there is something 'spiritual' about sexual intimacy and that type of commitment that binds two people together... Unfortunately - this world and it's ruler have perverted that bond which many of us have screwed up - but that's a different story for another time...

After - uhh... 'Witnessing' the birth over a week ago (yeah, that was educational, ha) I realized how true that passage of scripture is... My wife and came together (as one flesh) and created 'one flesh'... By combining our bodies we MADE a new body... That 'one flesh' came in the form of a beautiful baby boy...

After seeing what God allowed us to do - it dawned on me why marriage is so important to God... When you commit to being 'one flesh' - you are very well committing to being 'one, two, or even eight fleshes' (no TLC reference, I assure you)... That's not something to be taken lightly... Oops - gotta go... I hear my 'one flesh' crying...

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