Monday, August 10, 2009

Still Waiting

Have you ever noticed how challenging it can be when anyone uses the words, "any time now"..? Those three words can make you an impatient, whining, baby... Before those 4 syllables were uttered you were content - you were being very patient - but now that someone informs you that whatever you are waiting on could be there at any moment - you become a little antsy... I'm beginning to see that with this whole 'baby' thing... He's been in there growing for the past 9 months... I wasn't in any hurry... We had a projected delivery date - and that was that... No worries - no wondering... We had a date...

However - our doctor told us a few weeks ago that my wife was doing quite well and that the baby could arrive - wait for it... "Any time now"... Yep - he said that... So here we are - three weeks before that date we were waiting on - and we start thinking, "Is it today - is tonight the night"... We began to get really excited and anticipate is coming arrival... But you know what - we're still waiting!!! Maybe even getting a little anxious and frustrated, too... We were doing fine waiting for our date... Why did he have to say that..?

Unfortunately, though - God's people spend a great deal of time waiting... Sometimes entire lifetimes - Abraham and the promise for a son... Joseph had to wait for his appointment over 16 years... David was hunted and chased for 10 years after he was annointed king of Israel... God doesn't always bring about His blessings swiftly... Sometimes - He wants us to wait...

This past weekend in our worship services - we sang a song with the phrase, "While I'm waiting - I will serve You, While I'm waiting - I will worship"... I thought that was pretty profound... Inevitably - God is going to make us wait at some point in time... Probably several points in time to be honest... What do we do during those times..? Do we complain and moan - or do we act like the song said and, "serve and worship Him"..? Let's go for option '2', ya'll... So while you're waiting for His wisdom, His timing, His intervention - see who you can serve and discover new ways of worshiping Him in a fresh, and intimate way... There's no better way to pass that time!!!

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