Thursday, August 6, 2009


Anytime our students take a trip I make it a point to bring along our video camera with me... Our ministry team includes a Video Producer that creates videos to show during our main worship services each weekend... Sometimes - he likes to showcase what's happening in the 'other part of the building'... Which is fantastic - our church has been blessed in so many ways - so it's nice for our people to see what God is doing in young children, junior highers, and High school students... And he does a great job, by the way...

I also like to 'attempt' to make videos (and a feeble attempt, at that)... I'm not great at it, by any means, but I really do enjoy it... But unlike our professional Video Producer - I have a difficult time 'compacting' hours worth of footage into a tightly wrapped, high quality, 2-minute production... How do I leave things out..? Did I get any shots of that kid..? Where am I in these shots.?! IS THE LENSE CAP ON?!! Just kidding... But how does one do that..? How do you choose what makes the vid and what doesn't..? These are great questions... Which is why my videos normally are 7 minutes at their SHORTEST!!! I know - I'm laughing myself... Seldom - when telling a story - do we want to omit any pertinent information... We want to share everything... But there's not always time, is there..?

Good thing with our Heavenly Father - there's all the time in the world... Actually - with Him - there's NO TIME... He's outside of time... "With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day." (2 Peter 3:8)... God's not on any schedule... He doesn't need to be at Cracker Barrel by 12:15... He can check out the whole story again, and again... He's just like a proud parent that can't get enough of your family home movies...

"All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." (Psalm 139:16)

Could you imagine what your 2 minute clip would look like..? Don't worry - you don't have to...

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