Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Wearing a Mask

Once a month our ministry has a special worship service called STAND... It normally takes place the first Tuesday night of the month... Due to scheduling conflicts - we went with the second Tuesday this month... We always try to make it more 'experiential' than our normal Sunday morning services... That's not to say that we don't put a great deal of effort into our Sunday presentation - but we like to do different things for this particular service...

Tonight was all about wearing masks... How we all try to conceal our true selves by putting on a 'facade'... We cover up every blemish, scar, and imperfection... We don't want anyone to actually know what we look like - right..? But I'm sure that's not why women wear make up, though... Just kidding, ladies... But seldom do we like to show anybody this canvas at its 'rawest' form... We're too embarrassed...

However - God tells us that we are just fine... In fact - we're better than just fine... We can be made 'perfect' in His sight... When we accept Jesus Christ as our lord and savior - We are washed by His blood - and all the imperfections we've accumulated by sinning are wiped away... We've been perfected by what HE DID...

Often times it seems like masks are made to look more glamorous and exotic... We wear them for parties or "masquerade balls" so we can become 'someone else' for an evening... But there's no need to cover up who you are... You have an excellent designer that is causing you to look more and more like Himself... Would you want to cover up what your maker looks like..?

"And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit." (2 Corinthians 3:18)

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