Monday, August 3, 2009

Just One Good Shot

As many of you have probably figured out by now - I quite enjoy a round of golf... Actually - if weather and time permit - it's one of my favorite things to do on my Monday's off... Today was no exception... My best buddy and I found our way out to our usual site for landscape destruction - and put in 18 holes... It felt more like a roller coaster than a gentlemen's game, though... It was full of pleasant 'ups' and terrifying 'downs'... Actually - they were more like 'drops'... One hole we would be enjoying the sweet aroma of 'par-fume' - and the next - the frigid chill of the dreaded 'snowman'... It was quite a ride, to say the least... We definitely got our money's worth today...

During our 3 hours burning rubber on the cart path I realized something... I became aware of how easily 'swayed' my emotions were... How could I possibly feel so discouraged one shot, but feel like I just won the Master's the next..? One minute I wanted to shout from the rooftops how much I love this game and the next put my head in the mucky pond... It's crazy right..? That's not what a stable, self-controlled, young man should be like... I often times watch people like Tiger and think, "man - if I were that good - I wouldn't be such a baby on the course..." But you know what - I get it!!! If I feel the way I feel after missing a 5 foot gimmie - how do you think he feels when he blows it... It doesn't make it pretty (on either of our parts) but it is understandable, at least...

Unfortunately - we can show this inconsistent sway in our lives, as well... Things don't go our way and we whine, pout, or complain... We show our true colors... A patient man has great understanding, but a quick-tempered man displays folly. (Proverbs 14:29)

Now - I know that God's Word is for every part of our lives - But does that actually include the golf course, as well..? I thought so... Oh, well...

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