Friday, May 30, 2014

A Better Way

Often times I want things to go my way, in my time, with my desired outcome. Maybe that's why I've always enjoyed Burger King and their motto 'have it your way' (which I literally just heard they might be ditching…) I even find myself telling God things like, "Nah I don't think so…" or "What's taking you so long?!" or "That's the best You got? What about my ideas? My time frame?" I'm sure that I'm the only person that does that, though. Ha

The Bible says in Isaiah 55:8 (NLT) "My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts, And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine."

So if if that's true - why do I put so much stock in my own plans? Why do I mope and whine when things don't work out the way I want them to? Because… I'm spoiled. It's true! I feel as if I'm entitled to something special because of who I am. I deserve more. I deserve better. Doesn't God and everyone else know who I am?! Oh… I guess they do… Truth be told - aside from Christ - I'm nothing… I'm nobody of any importance. I'm nothing special. I don't deserve for God to listen to me or show me any favor. And yet - He always takes care of me far better than I deserve. When I should have found death - He gave me life abundant. When I should have stayed hurt - He brought healing. When I should have been broke - He gave me more than enough to meet my needs and the needs of my family. If my Heavenly Father takes care of me like that - Can't I, at least, trust His timing and plans?

So this week - I'm going to try to get my thoughts and prayers off of my own ways and seek out His better ways… "Thy kingdom come - Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven…"

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

To Those Who Wait

As Americans - we hate to wait for anything. We hate waiting in lines to checkout, we hate waiting for food, we hate waiting for our coffee, we hate waiting for our spouses. We just hate waiting! And some of us have an amazing gift to wait long no matter what! My wife and I are two of those. We can be at WalMart ready to check out. We'll pick the shortest lane to get into and bypass the long one and - at almost a 92% success rate - we will be in line longer than the other lane. I don't know why - we're just supposed to wait, I guess.

We go to restaurants and we'll be at the one table that the servers aren't sure who has it - and then none of them will come to the table and find out who's at fault - so we wait… and wait… and get up and leave… We're just supposed to wait, I guess. 

I could go on, and on - but to make a long story short - God just wants to work on our patience, I guess. We're just supposed to learn how to wait.

While I hate to wait - there are some things in this world worth waiting for. A piece of Giordanno's pizza… Funnel cakes at the fair… Mr. Freeze at Six Flags (depending on the temperature)… But more than anything - the right spouse that God has provided for us. I feel very blessed to have married my wife. I thank the Lord that I didn't have to wait too long for her - but even if I had to - she'd be worth it…

I had the pleasure and privilege of attending a friend and co-worker's wedding this past Saturday. It was a beautiful ceremony. He looked handsome - his bride looked absolutely stunning - and it was a gorgeous day to celebrate this marriage. Unlike a lot of couples, though, who get married in their young 20's - but this was not like that… He didn't wait for his late 20's like I did… He didn't wait for his 30's… He was in his 40's when got married (I'm a little foggy on the exact age, but you get the idea). He didn't want to make the wrong choice. He didn't want to make a big mistake and marry the wrong person. He waited… and waited… and waited… And God finally brought him his bride. He is proof that good things come to those who wait. 

So as you're waiting on an answer from God - know that He is going to bring you good things. It may not be in your time table - but He is going to bring it… And when He does- you'll also be proof that good things come to those who wait...

Monday, May 26, 2014

In Memorial Of...

Memorial Day means a many different things to many a different people. I guess back in its origins it was intended to be an opportunity for those fortunate enough to call themselves 'Americans' a special day to recognize those brave men and women that have served in our armed forces through the years and say thank you for their sacrifice and dedication to maintaing our freedom. In spite of all of our political and social dysfunction - it's still the greatest country to call home. Many men and women have shed their blood to give us the comforts we so often take for granted, but on this day let us remember their sacrifice.

This day was also memorable because my nephew had his 8th birthday party today (Captain America theme which was so cool!). His birthday was actually on the 17th, but my brother's family is pretty busy and this was the first time they could get everyone together to celebrate. It was a blast! Water guns and balloons, baseball, presents, cake, burgers, and plenty of good conversation made for a fantastic day! How appropriate to remember the sacrifice of some by celebrating the life of a child.

But something else made it extra special. This day happened to be my beautiful wife's birthday. Most people do not get a national holiday for their birthday (unless of course you're born on Christmas Day) - so she was feeling pretty good about herself. We got to go out to dinner last night and enjoy some delicious ice cream from the Custard Stand in Sesser, IL. (If you've never been there - put it on your list) We walked around Target and just enjoyed some time together - just the 2 of us. (That doesn't happen very often with a 2 and 4  year old…) We decided that we still wanted to try and celebrate her birthday today, too, even though we had our nephew's party to go to. So we did! We started the day with homemade birthday cards and pancakes at home. Then to visit family for the party. Then - we came back to enjoy 'Choc A Lot' cake at home with her mom (devils' food cake layered with chocolate frosting, chocolate mouse, marshmallow fondant on the outside, and chocolate ganache over the top. Yes - it is as you assume… Are you thirsty for milk?) We then closed out with a few gifts and said our 'happy birthday' for the last time. I hope she had a good birthday - one worthy of remembering.

It's important to remember the good times as we get older. With so much 'bad' that takes place in our adult lives - it's important to store those memories in our hard drives so that we can go back to them as we need to. So this Memorial Day - Whether it be the heroic deed of a few or another 365 days for someone special - we should thank God for each blessing He sends our way. And… We should celebrate! We should eat, laugh, spray each other with water, and thank The Lord for His favor on our lives. So what are you waiting for? Go celebrate this day! Wa hoo!!!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Give A Little Life

A couple times a year our church hosts a blood drive for the Red Cross. Amazing nurses come in to our facility and set up beds, computers, and what not and prepare for the people of our community to bring their arms and their hearts to donate blood to the Red Cross blood bank. A, B, O, Positive or Negative - all blood is welcomed - and all can help save lives.

I remember in high school and as a young adult I really didn't care a lot about it. We'd have blood drives at our high school and I'd always make an excuse as to why I couldn't give that day. I had a cold, I was too busy, I had to play game that day (or week). As I said - excuses. When I was in college or a young teacher I'd still avoid it however I could. Even when I first started at the church I was really hesitant, but finally did a time or two. But something happened. Something changed my outlook on 'giving blood.'

In 2009 when my son was born he had some health issues. I won't go into all the details but he was only a few weeks old and he was admitted to one of the children's hospitals in St. Louis. A week and a half in and him just getting worse and worse - they finally told us that he needed blood transfusions. BLOOD TRANSFUSIONS! My son?! How could this be? Would he need my blood? My wife's blood? How much would they need?

That's when they said that there wasn't time for either one of us to donate. The time it takes to prep it and what not is too long of a process. They would use some A Positive that someone else had donated that was already prepared and ready to go. At first that was weird for me. He got his blood from me and his momma. Now - someone else's blood was in the mix. And I don't know who that was from. I don't know their story or anything. Maybe that's where his ornery side comes from (or maybe that comes from me, still)… But I am so blessed and thankful that someone was willing to donate so that my son could live.

I guess that's why Lucy and I try to give every chance we can. My O+ is nothing special - but I hope it can 'give a little life' to someone that may need it some day. It's the least I can do. Someone gave for my son. And I can never repay that person, but maybe I can be a blessing to another dad out there.

I can't ever repay the blood that Jesus Christ poured out for me, either. He gave every last drop for someone like me when He was beaten and nailed to a cross - when didn't deserve it. His sacrifice led to my own transfusion that has given me new life in Him. And I am so grateful that my God would love me so. And you know what? He loves you that much, too.

"For God so loved the world He gave His only Son - that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16

"He was pierced for our transgressions. He was crushed for our iniquities. The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed." Isaiah 53:5

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Taken Back

Over the past year and a half or so - my son and I have found another shared love… Jimmy John's. It seems that when we have a little extra 'Father and Son' time we often find ourselves at our favorite sandwich shop. We don't do it often, but today was a special day. Today was his last do of Pre-K for the year. He still has a fun day at the park, but this was the actual 'last day' at class. So I figured it merited a special lunch.

There is a table outside that Fender likes to sit at (no matter the weather) and so we go there when we can. We go inside - he places his order (ham only… I know, I know) - I place mine - we split a sweet tea - and head out to our table. As we scarf our sandwiches and crunchy potato chips we talk about school, his friends, and all the cool cars we see drive by. But today as I looked at my son I went into flashback mode.

I transported through time almost 30 years ago to Kori and Kora's donut shop in Olney, IL where I would go with Mom and/or Dad for donuts. This older couple made delicious donuts and I remember my Dad would get coffee and my Mom would get hot tea in this cool metal cup with a lid. I of course started drinking coffee at a young age to be cool like my Dad! There was even an old cigar box behind the counter that had string in it and I would tie it onto a plastic spoon and go fishing on the floor (the most successful fishing of my life)  while my parents would 'shoot the breeze' with the other folks in the shop. I'm not sure why - but I can remember so much of that as clear as day even though I was so young. The smell in the building, the ding of the door, and the taste of those yummy donuts. Those are good memories for me. Nothing monumental or fantastic ever happened during those 'donut shop days' - but they're special to me.

I wonder if my 4 year old son will feel that way about Jimmy John's? I wonder if his little sister will follow suit or if we'll find another memory to share? But at times like these - I definitely understand what Jesus' mother must have experienced when she 'treasured up' her memories.

"But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart." Luke 2:19

Friday, May 16, 2014

More Than Lip Service

"The LORD says: 'These people come near to Me with their mouth and honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me. Their worship of Me is made up of only rules taught by men." - Isaiah 29:13 (NIV)

Growing up exposed to 'the church' and now serving in one full time - I've had my share of worship experiences. Some good - some not so good. Some that moved me to tears - some that moved me out the door. Some that were sincere and from the heart - some that were filled with superficial lip movements of 'watermelon'. (That's what I would mouth when I wanted people to think I was singing.) I have felt close to God because of them - and I have felt such disconnect like no other times at other experiences. Why am I telling you this?

Because I have often been 'inconsistent' in my 'worth ship' of Jesus Christ. I (far too often) haven't always worshiped in "Spirit and Truth" (John 4:23-24) as I have been instructed to. I like to just show up and look around the room, mouth some words, and leave the experience unchanged. I am not proud of that. In fact - I'm ashamed of it. I (as a child of the Most High) have been given the privilege of knowing my Creator on personal level - through the reading of The Bible, through relationships with other believers, and through corporate worship gatherings.

It shouldn't matter how I'm feeling or what my week is like. If I believe that God is who The Bible says He is - then it should be a no brainer that I seek His Spirit and His Presence every chance I can. Not just with 'lip service' but with an honest heart, and a loud voice. With uplifted hands and bended knee - leaving any 'rules taught by men' behind - and just spend time with Heavenly Dad!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Not About Me

As a connections pastor at Central Christian Church I find that I get to be involved in a variety of areas of ministry. You may be wondering what a 'connections pastor' does? Me too! I don't really know exactly. I spend a lot of my time trying to meet our new visitors and connect with them and do my best to help answer their questions that they might have about our church or how they can best get involved. It's a pretty neat aspect to my position. But one of my FAVORITE things to do is to 'sub' for our amazing worship pastor. I absolutely enjoy the process of practicing, rehearsing, and leading the praise team and congregation in praising Jesus Christ with music. There's nothing I can think of that makes me feel more complete and fulfilled than praising God with an instrument and my voice.

But I am tempted during this time of 'enjoyment' in forgetting WHO it's' for. I've been performing in the musical realm in some capacity since I was 3 years old (literally on stage at church singing) and there is a pretty big rush when people enjoy your talent(s). Especially when they tell you after the performance is over! There is a real since of pride and satisfaction that comes into play. But in the realm of praise and worship in a church gathering - it's a whole different animal. It's not about me and it's not about you. It's (supposed to be) about HIM... About God… And as a pastor - I always say stuff like that. I throw Scripture at people and give them all the things I know it's (supposed to be) about. But sometimes… Sometimes I'm not feeling at my best... Sometimes my throat hurts... Sometimes I'm pitchy… Sometimes I may think I sound great, but I don't really 'feel' the songs… Will the songs still get sung? Sure… Will they be okay in the eyes and ears of most of the folks sitting in any given congregation? Probably… But when I'm in my head about stuff like that - I'm not doing my job… It's not about me…

You see - corporate worship (church services) should be about us going to the throne room of Jesus Christ and telling Him how great He is… Thanking Him for His many blessings… Offering up our prayers that we have no other hope except for our Savior to intervene. It's about sacrifice and offering to Him our best fruits and efforts. And hopefully in the midst of our singing to and about God - He'll respond… He'll join us in our service and change lives and hearts right in our midst. But even if He doesn't… He's still worthy of our praise and adoration.

Will I do okay this weekend leading our amazing band and singers? I hope so… Will I sound dynamite and belt it out? I'd like to… But more than anything - I pray that my focus is on Christ. The One that loves me - and died for me - forgives me - and restores me… It's not about me! It's about Him...

Sunday, May 11, 2014

M.O.M's Day

On my way to church today I was thinking about the beautiful woman I left in bed snuggled to my 'up too early' 2 year old daughter and the difficulties that she deals with on a daily basis as a mother. As I drove down the road I took a trip down 'memory lane' and revisited my own childhood and began to ponder the patience my mom had to use in order to be my mom. I'll spare you the specifics, but needless to say, it wasn't that easy of a gig. Sorry, Mom! If it makes a difference - I finally am starting to appreciate all of your sacrifices, encouragement, and dream crushing that you've always provided for me.

And I'm not sure why as I got closer and closer to work I started to think of acronyms that M.O.M could stand for that would encompass the job title and calling. Here's a few I came up with:

Maker of Milk - Science and research shows that there is a bond of connection between a child and mother like no other than those first weeks of breast feeding. It may lead to a few sleepless nights those first weeks (but as my older brother always said to encourage his bride) that's a bond mom's don't want to miss out on.

Mopper of Messes - Cleaning up the spills and messes of kids is a full time job in and of itself. So who cares if you smell like bleach and detergent or Pine-sol - it's better than Chanel No. 5 any day!

Master of Music - I love to hear my wife sing to my kids at bed time. Even though she doesn't think she sounds good - It's one of the sweetest sounds and it's made a HUGE impact on their lives.

Master of Mending - Mom's fix stuff. It's true. Whether it be clothes, buttons, or broken hearts - it's mom's do.

Master of Meals - Mom's, along with all their other responsibilities, often times find themselves trying to come up with a menu that excites their husbands and appeases their picky children. Not an easy task!

Maker of Mistakes - They do... Not often - but nobody is perfect...

Mind over Matter - Sometimes it takes will-power to make it through the day in the life of a M.O.M! Hang in there...

Make others Mad - Most encounter this stage when the kids are in Jr. High and High School. Or maybe for always... As my mother can plainly tell you - it's always Mom's fault...

My Own Miracle - Probably the most accurate one... I can't imagine something more important than the person that gave you life. Blood for blood and flesh for flesh. She carried you in her womb for 9 months... She carried you in her arms for 2 years... She carries you to bed when you fall asleep... She bathes you, feeds you, clothes you, and takes care of you when you're sick. She's a teacher, a chef, a disciplinarian, a protector, a cheerleader, a coach, and endless array of duties. No doubt the most underpaid and under appreciated role anyone could have.

I know all mom's deserve more than just one day a year - you deserve to be celebrated every day. Thank you for all you have done, do, and will continue to do. Happy Mother's Day!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Stuck In A Rut

I was driving home the other day when I saw a fellow on a lawnmower stuck in a ditch. He wasn't in any danger - he was just stuck. Unable to go forwards or backwards. He made efforts on his own to build momentum and do it all on his own, but in the end all his efforts proved unsuccessful. It wasn't until his buddy with a pick up truck and a chain arrived that he was able to get his fancy zero turn mower with an oversized deck from being stuck. (I'm not jealous or anything. I love my 21" deck Craftsman push mower! Ha)

The truck pulled forward slowly - the chain tightened - and the guy slowly drove his once stuck lawn mower out of the ditch and was able to finish the yard he was working on.

In our lives we sometimes feel stuck. We're not in a 'bad place' - but we just can't really move forward or even backwards. We feel like there is no place for us to excel. No place to contribute. No place to create and be appreciated. We've been at the same job so long that it's the same thing every day. We've stayed at home with the kids for several years and now the thrill of watching them grow up has dissipated. After 7 years of marriage we just don't feel that 'spark' anymore.

Maybe all you need is a friend to come by and help pull you out of that rut. Bring their smile, encouraging words, and their hand and just reach out to you and (be it ever so slowly) help pull you out of the rut you're stuck in. Now - it's not all on them. That's why I wrote "help." We have to do some of the work, too. And when they're out they can continue on with the task that GOD has laid before them.

Now we can't control whether or not a friend will come and help us out of our rut. BUT - we can control helping our spouses, family, friends, and co-workers out of their ruts. So maybe we can make that our focus. And who knows - if you're helping someone out of their ditch - it may get you out of your own.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Turn Things Around

Being a dad is by far my favorite job of all time. What other profession can you be Flash one minute, Will Turner the next, and then Bumble Bee a few minutes later (As you can see - I always end up being more of a side-kick to Batman, Captain Jack Sparrow, and Optimus Prime). With my daughter I get to play with Minnie and Daisy, knock over blocks, and run around the fire place. I get to have dance parties, ride bikes, go on walks, play with the hose, push my kids on the swing set, watch tons of kid shows, and sing "Let It Go" at the top of my lungs. I even get the privilege of helping them with letters, numbers, and writing their names. It's a pretty sweet gig!

But what about when I have to say, "No I can't play right now"? What's the response of these kids when I say, "I can't this second, but I will later?"

"Well fine (with arms crossed and lower lip out)! Then I guess I'm not your son anymore!" or "I not gonna play anyMORE" (imagine a 2 year old saying that one). Or yesterday's from my son, "Dad - I won't ask you to play with me ever again." Let me preface to say that my son, Fender, is (putting it lightly) OVER DRAMATIC! I started to feel a slight bit sorr... Nah - I didn't. I knew he was just being a brat and that he didn't' mean it. I knew he'd apologize and come to his senses and realize that his dad likes nothing better than spending time with he and his sister playing, learning, laughing, and spending time together...

After Fender said, "I'll never ask you to play with me again" he walked out of the room and I almost started counting in my head because I knew it wouldn't take long for him to come back in and change his mind. I'm guessing it was around 10 seconds, "Dad, would you still play with me again when you're done? I'm sorry I didn't' mean that." What can you do when you're kids are there with tears welling up in their eyes trying to make it right?

What an obvious parallel with our relationship with our Heavenly Father. When we get spoiled and selfish we turn away from Him. The only thing is it usually takes us more than 10 seconds to come back and tearfully apologize. Sometimes its days, weeks, months, or even years. We are too stubborn to see that He only wants good things for us. And they may not come in our time table - but they will come. We just need to turn back to Him.

"if my people, who are called by My Name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, and I will forgive their sin and heal their land."

 - 2 Chronicles 7:14

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Has It Really Been That Long?

Has it really been that long? I guess it has! It would seem 3 years has gone by since my last post. I didn't mean for that to happen. Life gets busy, you add another kid, and you get in the habit of 'not' doing something. Well that was me and blogging. Well I have decided to get back on the horse. I always enjoyed the 'blogging' world as it gives me a chance to collect my thoughts for the day + it allows me the opportunity to hit the backspace key, too.

Sometimes we like to just speak our minds without editing it first. Some call it 'verbal vomit.' That often times gets us into trouble. I know it does with me and my wife, at least. I can't imagine loving anybody more than I do her, but I'm still able to say mean and hateful things to her if I react quickly and say the first thing that comes out of my mouth. Just last week we got into a heated discussion and I was saying things that 'weren't me' - and I felt TERRIBLE! That's not how I'm to speak to anyone - especially not my wife. I wish I had a backspace key on my mouth so that only the good stuff actually came out.

Paul writes in Ephesians 4:29 - "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."

So maybe next time I can pause - hit the backspace key - remember that Scripture - and speak in a way that loves others and honors God.