Thursday, May 15, 2014

Not About Me

As a connections pastor at Central Christian Church I find that I get to be involved in a variety of areas of ministry. You may be wondering what a 'connections pastor' does? Me too! I don't really know exactly. I spend a lot of my time trying to meet our new visitors and connect with them and do my best to help answer their questions that they might have about our church or how they can best get involved. It's a pretty neat aspect to my position. But one of my FAVORITE things to do is to 'sub' for our amazing worship pastor. I absolutely enjoy the process of practicing, rehearsing, and leading the praise team and congregation in praising Jesus Christ with music. There's nothing I can think of that makes me feel more complete and fulfilled than praising God with an instrument and my voice.

But I am tempted during this time of 'enjoyment' in forgetting WHO it's' for. I've been performing in the musical realm in some capacity since I was 3 years old (literally on stage at church singing) and there is a pretty big rush when people enjoy your talent(s). Especially when they tell you after the performance is over! There is a real since of pride and satisfaction that comes into play. But in the realm of praise and worship in a church gathering - it's a whole different animal. It's not about me and it's not about you. It's (supposed to be) about HIM... About God… And as a pastor - I always say stuff like that. I throw Scripture at people and give them all the things I know it's (supposed to be) about. But sometimes… Sometimes I'm not feeling at my best... Sometimes my throat hurts... Sometimes I'm pitchy… Sometimes I may think I sound great, but I don't really 'feel' the songs… Will the songs still get sung? Sure… Will they be okay in the eyes and ears of most of the folks sitting in any given congregation? Probably… But when I'm in my head about stuff like that - I'm not doing my job… It's not about me…

You see - corporate worship (church services) should be about us going to the throne room of Jesus Christ and telling Him how great He is… Thanking Him for His many blessings… Offering up our prayers that we have no other hope except for our Savior to intervene. It's about sacrifice and offering to Him our best fruits and efforts. And hopefully in the midst of our singing to and about God - He'll respond… He'll join us in our service and change lives and hearts right in our midst. But even if He doesn't… He's still worthy of our praise and adoration.

Will I do okay this weekend leading our amazing band and singers? I hope so… Will I sound dynamite and belt it out? I'd like to… But more than anything - I pray that my focus is on Christ. The One that loves me - and died for me - forgives me - and restores me… It's not about me! It's about Him...

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