Thursday, May 22, 2014

Give A Little Life

A couple times a year our church hosts a blood drive for the Red Cross. Amazing nurses come in to our facility and set up beds, computers, and what not and prepare for the people of our community to bring their arms and their hearts to donate blood to the Red Cross blood bank. A, B, O, Positive or Negative - all blood is welcomed - and all can help save lives.

I remember in high school and as a young adult I really didn't care a lot about it. We'd have blood drives at our high school and I'd always make an excuse as to why I couldn't give that day. I had a cold, I was too busy, I had to play game that day (or week). As I said - excuses. When I was in college or a young teacher I'd still avoid it however I could. Even when I first started at the church I was really hesitant, but finally did a time or two. But something happened. Something changed my outlook on 'giving blood.'

In 2009 when my son was born he had some health issues. I won't go into all the details but he was only a few weeks old and he was admitted to one of the children's hospitals in St. Louis. A week and a half in and him just getting worse and worse - they finally told us that he needed blood transfusions. BLOOD TRANSFUSIONS! My son?! How could this be? Would he need my blood? My wife's blood? How much would they need?

That's when they said that there wasn't time for either one of us to donate. The time it takes to prep it and what not is too long of a process. They would use some A Positive that someone else had donated that was already prepared and ready to go. At first that was weird for me. He got his blood from me and his momma. Now - someone else's blood was in the mix. And I don't know who that was from. I don't know their story or anything. Maybe that's where his ornery side comes from (or maybe that comes from me, still)… But I am so blessed and thankful that someone was willing to donate so that my son could live.

I guess that's why Lucy and I try to give every chance we can. My O+ is nothing special - but I hope it can 'give a little life' to someone that may need it some day. It's the least I can do. Someone gave for my son. And I can never repay that person, but maybe I can be a blessing to another dad out there.

I can't ever repay the blood that Jesus Christ poured out for me, either. He gave every last drop for someone like me when He was beaten and nailed to a cross - when didn't deserve it. His sacrifice led to my own transfusion that has given me new life in Him. And I am so grateful that my God would love me so. And you know what? He loves you that much, too.

"For God so loved the world He gave His only Son - that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16

"He was pierced for our transgressions. He was crushed for our iniquities. The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed." Isaiah 53:5

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