Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Turn Things Around

Being a dad is by far my favorite job of all time. What other profession can you be Flash one minute, Will Turner the next, and then Bumble Bee a few minutes later (As you can see - I always end up being more of a side-kick to Batman, Captain Jack Sparrow, and Optimus Prime). With my daughter I get to play with Minnie and Daisy, knock over blocks, and run around the fire place. I get to have dance parties, ride bikes, go on walks, play with the hose, push my kids on the swing set, watch tons of kid shows, and sing "Let It Go" at the top of my lungs. I even get the privilege of helping them with letters, numbers, and writing their names. It's a pretty sweet gig!

But what about when I have to say, "No I can't play right now"? What's the response of these kids when I say, "I can't this second, but I will later?"

"Well fine (with arms crossed and lower lip out)! Then I guess I'm not your son anymore!" or "I not gonna play anyMORE" (imagine a 2 year old saying that one). Or yesterday's from my son, "Dad - I won't ask you to play with me ever again." Let me preface to say that my son, Fender, is (putting it lightly) OVER DRAMATIC! I started to feel a slight bit sorr... Nah - I didn't. I knew he was just being a brat and that he didn't' mean it. I knew he'd apologize and come to his senses and realize that his dad likes nothing better than spending time with he and his sister playing, learning, laughing, and spending time together...

After Fender said, "I'll never ask you to play with me again" he walked out of the room and I almost started counting in my head because I knew it wouldn't take long for him to come back in and change his mind. I'm guessing it was around 10 seconds, "Dad, would you still play with me again when you're done? I'm sorry I didn't' mean that." What can you do when you're kids are there with tears welling up in their eyes trying to make it right?

What an obvious parallel with our relationship with our Heavenly Father. When we get spoiled and selfish we turn away from Him. The only thing is it usually takes us more than 10 seconds to come back and tearfully apologize. Sometimes its days, weeks, months, or even years. We are too stubborn to see that He only wants good things for us. And they may not come in our time table - but they will come. We just need to turn back to Him.

"if my people, who are called by My Name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, and I will forgive their sin and heal their land."

 - 2 Chronicles 7:14

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