Sunday, May 11, 2014

M.O.M's Day

On my way to church today I was thinking about the beautiful woman I left in bed snuggled to my 'up too early' 2 year old daughter and the difficulties that she deals with on a daily basis as a mother. As I drove down the road I took a trip down 'memory lane' and revisited my own childhood and began to ponder the patience my mom had to use in order to be my mom. I'll spare you the specifics, but needless to say, it wasn't that easy of a gig. Sorry, Mom! If it makes a difference - I finally am starting to appreciate all of your sacrifices, encouragement, and dream crushing that you've always provided for me.

And I'm not sure why as I got closer and closer to work I started to think of acronyms that M.O.M could stand for that would encompass the job title and calling. Here's a few I came up with:

Maker of Milk - Science and research shows that there is a bond of connection between a child and mother like no other than those first weeks of breast feeding. It may lead to a few sleepless nights those first weeks (but as my older brother always said to encourage his bride) that's a bond mom's don't want to miss out on.

Mopper of Messes - Cleaning up the spills and messes of kids is a full time job in and of itself. So who cares if you smell like bleach and detergent or Pine-sol - it's better than Chanel No. 5 any day!

Master of Music - I love to hear my wife sing to my kids at bed time. Even though she doesn't think she sounds good - It's one of the sweetest sounds and it's made a HUGE impact on their lives.

Master of Mending - Mom's fix stuff. It's true. Whether it be clothes, buttons, or broken hearts - it's mom's do.

Master of Meals - Mom's, along with all their other responsibilities, often times find themselves trying to come up with a menu that excites their husbands and appeases their picky children. Not an easy task!

Maker of Mistakes - They do... Not often - but nobody is perfect...

Mind over Matter - Sometimes it takes will-power to make it through the day in the life of a M.O.M! Hang in there...

Make others Mad - Most encounter this stage when the kids are in Jr. High and High School. Or maybe for always... As my mother can plainly tell you - it's always Mom's fault...

My Own Miracle - Probably the most accurate one... I can't imagine something more important than the person that gave you life. Blood for blood and flesh for flesh. She carried you in her womb for 9 months... She carried you in her arms for 2 years... She carries you to bed when you fall asleep... She bathes you, feeds you, clothes you, and takes care of you when you're sick. She's a teacher, a chef, a disciplinarian, a protector, a cheerleader, a coach, and endless array of duties. No doubt the most underpaid and under appreciated role anyone could have.

I know all mom's deserve more than just one day a year - you deserve to be celebrated every day. Thank you for all you have done, do, and will continue to do. Happy Mother's Day!

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