Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Better To Have Loved

Relationships seemed to have been the hot topic for the day... And not just relationships, in general - but some of the hardships that can come with 'relationships' with each other... A couple of my boys were having some - uhh... Issues with their significant others... However, I always think that happens this time of year... It's the time of year when 'change' sounds good to some people...

One of my boys has been involved with a girl on and off for the past nine months... She has treated him pretty rough - but like many people - he allowed it to happen and kept coming back for more... I wish I could say that I didn't know what that wasy like, but - unfortunately - I do...

The other young man had a different story, though... He has been with his girlfriend for the past 4 years... They've had their rough spots from time to time - but stuck with it... And due to some unintentional texting - that relationship is on the 'rocks' - and I don't mean on ice...

Anyways - throughout all of the counseling and encouragement - somebody busted out the ever so popular advice, "If it's meant to be - it will be..." And you know what..? That's true, to a point... God has a plan for your life... You can set yourself back, but you can't mess up God's ultimate plan for your life... No matter how hard you try - He's always got you in His 'sights'... So take heart, "love birds"... God's got it all under control...

"There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the LORD." (Proverbs 21:30)

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