Saturday, May 23, 2009

Pomp & Circumstance

Picture this: Your rear end hurts... You are surrounded on all sides by people that are well beyond the boundaries of 'personal space'... It's hot, stuffy, and you begin to wonder if you are sticking to the bleachers... You see the flash of cameras and that lady down the row waving at someone across the way (that obviously is being seen by everyone BUT the person who's attention she was trying to acquire...)

Then - All of a sudden - You hear it... The Fanfare - The horns - The cymals - It's time for... Drum roll, please... Pomp & Circumstance!!! Ah, yes - good ol' P & C... When I was teaching music it was required that the band play for graduation and this was our big hit... We'd play it over and over and over... Actually - my students and I began to loathe this popular tune... We would call it "Pump & Circumcision" or something like that... Believe me - after 9 hours straight (okay - an exaggeration) you'd come up with clever titles, too... But this was always a sign to those in attendance to stand up and welcome in the graduates...

Now - I realize that most students don't necessarily 'enjoy' the whole graduation experience... They want to complain, or wear something stupid... They might even think it's not important enough to merit their attendance... But you know what - It's not very often that people will rise to their feet at your entrance into a room... Unlike J.D. on the show 'Scrubs' - most of us don't have background music in our daily lives - let alone a standing 'O' for just walking in...

Did you know, though - that God feels that way about you everyday... It's true... He is that proud parent sitting out in the bleachers with the HUGEST smile - taking all the pictures - remembering all the ups and downs along the way... He's blowing the air-horn and shouting for you and over you... He loves you, you know...

"He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing." (Zephaniah 3:17)

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