Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Shooting For Par

(I must begin this 'blog' by thanking Landon for my topic today)

I'm not sure why all the time, but I have developed an unquenchable desire to play golf... Well - let me rephrase that... "An unquenchable desire to 'go' golf" (I don't necessarily always 'play'... At times I act more as the grounds crew than an actual golfer...) But I really enjoy it... I'm beginning to see improvement (ever-so-slight, but improvement none the less) in my game... My drives are getting longer & straighter... My putts are getting much more precise... If I could only get my Pitching Wedge under control - Ahh to dream...

But the more the times I go out to the course - the more infatuated I get with the idea of 'Par'... Now 'par' is what is expected of 'seasoned' golfers on a certain hole... It can be '3', '4', or '5' - depending on distance to the pin... Most of the time when a golfer completes his/her round (18 holes) he/she will say they were, "12 over par" or something like that... I of course would be a little higher than that... But that number says how well (or not) you played that day... If you played 'even par' - you played the course the way it should be...

Now - even though it takes great golfers YEARS to shoot par on 18 holes - I feel like I should be doing it now - consistently... Why am I so impatient..? What's so wrong with 'Bogey' golf... That's just 18 over par..! Probably because most of us don't want to wait to be good at anything... We want it and "We want it now!!!" That isn't very attractive, though... As followers of Christ we are to be (much like Snapple) "made of better stuff"... What's so wrong with a '90'..? Nothing!

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
gentleness and self-control..." (Galatians 5:22-23)

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