Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Where Does The Time Go

Do you ever have those days that you are certain beyond a shadow of the doubt that it's at least a day or two earlier than it actually is..? Time seems to fly by like a 'humming bird on Mt. Dew'... I'm not sure of why that is... Maybe it has to do with our hectic lives, our self-consumed 'tunnel vision', or maybe it's our discontentment that leads to the persistent pursuit of 'the next best thing'... All of these, though, can keep us from enjoying the 'Landscape of Life' that God has us planted in today... (I know, I know - what's with all of the weird analogies...)

God wants for us to enjoy each day as a gift... We spend so much time looking forward to the bell ringing at 3:30 - that 5 o'clock whistle - TGIF - The weekend... Some of us even develop the "when/then" philosophy of thinking which ALWAYS has us looking ahead... These people often say, "When I get ______, I'll be happy" or "When I find the right girl/guy, I'll be happy"... However - only one thing can bring contentment each and every day... That good stuff is a relationship with Jesus Christ... He's like "life giving water" for our dried up and dreary souls... A big gulp of that - You won't be looking towards tomorrow - but you'll be drinking in each and every day...

"... whoever drinks the water I give will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." (John 4:13-14)

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